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Sunday, October 9, 2016
Day 73: Time spent but not wasted
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Day 59: Internal struggles and the shittiest mood ever
If you dont want negativity to your day, skip this post.
And in honor of duality, I am going to rant. I reckon Ive raved about being in zone, this legitimate feeling deserves space too.
Why the hell does it have to be me? Why do I have to keep trying, most probably for the rest of my life to watch what I eat? Be in control? Select specific foods that are not necessarily tasty nor convenient? Why me?
I know I musnt play the victim blah blah blah or its not the situation but its how I react to it blee blah bloop.. But why do I have to be the one to do this?! Its not as if I could eat what I wanted when I was younger and stay slim and now that Im older I cant really get away with it anymore. No. I have been chubby all my life. I have been trying to lose weight ever since I hit 18 becuase I was made conscious. Why?
I know its all for me blah blah blah. I know i chose to "lose the weight" but why cant I be free of this?!
And if I succeed i would still have to take EXTRAordinary care so that i dont gain it back.
Is this negative feeling due to the deviations I have been indulging in? This shitty, crappy, sad, feeling low mood im feeling due to the food im eating?! Here we go again, DUALITY. Food can be good or bad for you. Both at a COST.
Arrrrgh. Why cant I be one of those who can eat all or anything they want and still have a flat tummy? Non-flabby arms, no bloating (honestly i know someone who is like is right now) just eat. Im not referring to stuffing your face like a pic, but enjoy a buttered sandwhich (1 or 2) without feeling guilty about it. Or have a 2nd helping of the food you liked. No. I have to keep watching it.
Its cruel really. Its not fair. Im tired of trying
I am tired of trying.
I ask myself why am I doing this? Everyone says I look nice and proportioned, that I look ok. But people this is me trying hard!(not hard enough) and Im just 35 and havent had child yet!! Im afraid to think of how I would look like once I get to have a child.
Such a defeatist attitude.
Why do I have to be the one to deal with it?! Some would tell me- then dont! Leave it. If you dont feel like doing it and u are not happy then dont do it.
But why am I doing this? Why do i keep doing this? Because Im vain. Not because I want other people to like me, compliment me but I want to feel happy with the way I look! I want to be able to wear what I want to wear. I dont ever want to feel bloated anymore.
Shallow reasons I know. But i dont know..
Im just tired of trying.
Today is another day. I go play with my cat now and count my blessings.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Day 45: Deviation
Mood = ok
Hunger = yes. Probably because im not busy
Day 43-44: Going through the motions
Mood = ok5
Hunger = none
Mood = relaxed. Good
Hunger = really hungry and craving
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Day 42: The very long weekend has arrived!
I have 9 days off! whoohoo and I have absolutely no plan. Well not absolutely but nothing like a holiday planned. Just gonna chill at home, be relaxed, do nothing, read, yoga, beach, massage, home scrubs, clean, sit, do nothing! :D
Day 42: deviation free. All allowances taken. Out of vits
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Day 40-41: Stressed
Other than that, same old same old. Same food, same routine, same thing about no movement in the scales. Im tired of it. Woke up this morning not wanting to weigh anymore because I keep seeing the same frustrating number.
Not going to check the scales anymore.
Day 40-41: deviation free, all allowances taken, vits too.
Mood = im ok, just workload makes me moody
Hunger = none.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Day 39: More old clothes to wear!
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Did she really say that? |
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Day 38: Bothered
I know Im not supposed to weigh everyday, but I need that boost to know that hey, Im doing something right. But from the looks of it, Im doing something wrong? Could be my scale has a problem? But I tried it in 3 different locations in the house, its fine. I don't know. I live in a "container", you know those portacabins, so maybe our flooring is not level?
It feels so odd, that I see the difference in size yet the weight is really not going south.
I can feel like this and still have to continue with it. There's no way to go about it. I have set a goal and at this rate, Im not going to make it on time. I'm aware my body will lose what it needs to lose at its own time. But it has to happen by end of November (refeed), otherwise I stand a huge risk of falling off due to the holidays, and again not finishing this. Scares the shiz out of me.
Well enough of that. Need to shift focus.
Long weekend is coming up! whoop whoop! and Im not going anywhere, not travelling, no staycations, just at home. I don't want to spend and I don't want to break my diet. I can travel next year. I miss travelling though :( really bad.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Day 37: Im Zoning!
Mood = Good good..
Hunger = None
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Day 35-36: Feeling good
Oh my goodness what a week. Really hectic at work. Im learning a lot on the field I want to be in but I have to think this through.
Im really fascinated about my temp boss. Why is she like the way she is and how did she become that way? She is brilliant and at the same time toxic. Is she really all what I think she is? Nevertheless I could learn more than thing or 2 from her. I still cant wait to start with my actual boss, Im sure that will be a challenge as well.
Went to the club after work. I havent been in ages! Had my dinner and ate that and just had DC in the club. I was partially deaf when I left that place. Im too old for that shiz.
Slept a lot on Day 36. I didnt feel hungry at all the whole day. I felt eating was a task that and I could have gone more than 5 hours without a meal. I just wanted to sleep.
All is well and I think Im back in the Zone.
Day 35-36: deviation free. Fruit under allowance. Didnt take my vits on both days because I forgot them
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Day 33-34: Weightloss: Men vs. Females :D
Monday, August 29, 2016
Day 32: Sleep, Food for the Soul, and a Bad Day
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Make that sleepy and tired! |
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Day 31: After 30 days
Lost 5.5kg in 30 days! I will do my Chandler dance later.
I haven't really measured myself. I have my official 30 days with the online program at the end of the month. So I will measure on the 1st Sept and start things off there.
Im still glad for my weight loss in spite of the difficulties within that 30 days and I just cant wait for the losses that I will incur. I hope this round will not be as frustrating as the last.
Couldn't eat on time (again!) late breakfast, late lunch and late dinner. Maybe I should set this as my normal meal times. Its been like this for almost a month.
Nothing much to report. I think Im over that phase of frustration.
Day 31: deviation free. 1 fruit under allowance.
Mood = good, energized, jumpy like I had too much coffee
Hunger = none. 0.
Day 28-30: All in a roll weekend
I had a really good weekend with friends. We did nothing as planned but we still ended up having fun anyway. I am amazed on how good I was in the face of all the temptations that I could have succumbed to during our time together. Slept late on all nights. Hmmm... but TOM is almost done and Im hoping for the normal state of things.. please!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Day 27: This is getting ridiculous!
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Day 26: The Role of Food in Our Lives: Catch 22
a) Activities (outdoor) - forget about it! not in this weather
b) Staycations - yes, there are a lot of summer offers and yet you still have to eat or you would want to eat. Somehow it just doesn't feel right if you don't enjoy the buffet breakfast. Mind you, the hotels in this country are far more superior in service, food offering and rooms than in Europe as per my experience. We are just spoiled here.
c) Staying at home - and doing what?? We cant even have like a special dish for the day that we both can share. I will have my CD food and he will have his Banting food.
Food is and has not been for nourishment only. It is also a social thing. It brings people together, creates experiences that eventually create memories. It is a good thing (most of the time). You want to try a new cuisine, its so easy, just go there - sit - order - eat - have nice conversations - pay and go! You have spent your time with the people you want to spend it with and enjoyed. You go to a friend's house to hang-out, you eat, chat and be merry. You go for a movie - popcorn and nachos.
We have a lot of options here, Dubai is mix of nationalities and authentic cultures that trickles down to food. You want Indian food (from Kerala, Goa, Mumbai etc)? You got it cooked fresh for you. Arabic food? No problem -, Lebanese, Egyptian, local food right along Sheikh Zayed. Japanese food? yes and can get it delivered too. Persian? Afghani? Thai? Russian? Tunisian (oh my brik.. I love brik!)? Sri Lankan? Mexican? Catalan???
So many food options!!
Im seriously boggled about this and somehow I feel deprived. BUT I also feel like really? There's nothing else that can occupy my time aside from eating?! Sad reality eh?
If you are on this course of eating healthy, you have to be extremely cautious, aware and resilient. It is a task being healthy!
However, when I see old people back at home, those who really didn't care much for the food that they ate nor have they been conscious about their fitness, well, they are experiencing aches and pains that could have only been because of old age, which could have been prevented or lessened if they have done the investment at an early stage.
When I used to workout a lot, I was thinking of how my muscles (maintaining them) will not only help me now but also as I age. I will not look as physically fit then but I'm sure I will feel the benefits of the muscle support to my bones, my posture, as long as I don't overdo it.
Same thing with food. I've heard/read that the cancers that we have are partly caused by our diet. We don't really anything natural anymore. The speed that our lives are going made us susceptible to convenient(fast) eating, and the healthy stuff, well they cost more!! Poverty alleviation is an ongoing cause which I don't see any end to.
In other news, feeling so bloated today. Phew! Felt so bored too even though I've got work. I just want the weekend to come!
I don't really feel anything odd nor significant to say about the diet at the moment. Its still the same old thing, the scale is not being cooperative. Its so easy to give up like 'chuck it! Im gonna eat whatnot!' But Im just holding on. Im looking forward to the end result that I desire. Talk about relentless.
Day 26: deviation free. All meals taken on time, all allowances consumed. Vits too.
Mood = heavy. Discouraged.
Hunger = none. craving still.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Day 25: Still suffering
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Day 24: Hormones..
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Day 22 -23: Successfully on the Bus
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Day 21: The scale is not your friend!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Day 20: Intuition
I just hungry all day yesterday. I think my PMS has started coz I felt lower tummy pain just by sitting. Woke up this morning with the heaviest body ever! My joints hurt and I just feel like being pulled to the ground. I didn't want to get up, but I did, I still had to cook my meals. Since I was feeling so lazy, I sat outside, got some sunshine and decided to cook my lunch and have a yogurt and fruit for breakfast. I just couldn't be bothered.
Before leaving, I said I cant feel so down today, I don't want this feeling! Im doing so good at work and this really wouldn't help me. On the way to office, I listened to a discussion about Living an Intuitive Life by Sonia Choquette. It was insightful.
Some key takeaways:
1. Intuition is not mystical - its not your oohh e.s.p.-looking-into-the-future thing. Its listening to your gut, your heart.
2. To apply this at work, keep yourself informed -learn, be on the look out on what's going on, do not work just merely to get by, understand the people around you without judging - because in the end, based on what you know or gather, you will tell yourself the answers you need based on the collective data that you have stored.
3. I really liked the part that said -> when you set goals, make sure your goals will benefit at least 2 people, as this opens yourself up to your intuition. That you are just not self-serving.
4. We all are vibrating with energy, and whatever you vibrate you attract - Ive been reading and hearing about this a lot, which I find to be true.
It was a lot of information on single drive, maybe I will write more in detail the next time. But I've resonated with most of the discussion. I feel like I have been out of touch with my intuition for so long.
I wish I could have written about it in a way that is good but I guess is one of those days when you just feel "blah". I tried everything, I had my coffee, listen to some inspirational discussion, and listened to upbeat music.
Im still hungry, but not like the previous days.
Day 20: deviation free, 1 fruit under allowance, vits taken
Mood = meh
Hunger = manageable; but craving!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Day 19: Good news
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I want a dog!!! :( |
Happy day.. I cant wait for more positive physical changes.. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
In Cohen news, the scales moved in my favor this morning, to which I am glad. I hope this continues over the next 2 days so I can report an acceptable 10 day weight loss in spite of the deviation. I'm not expecting a 3kg loss, but maybe 2?
Got hungry before my next meal today. Hmm.. I was craving for pappa roti buns. I still stuck to my diet, I really cant wait to enter the 60's, because per experience, that's my happy weight :D
I was so hungry today!!!! :'(
Day 19: All meals taken on time, vitamins too. 1 fruit under allowance. Deviation free.
Mood = good
Hunger = yes, very much! :(
Monday, August 15, 2016
Day 18: The 7pm lunch break
Hunger= didnt notice if there was any.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Day 17: Getting on the bus

Im still giddy about my weekend :)
And another week continues with this woman. I find it a little bit funny and annoying at the same time on how she gets worked up on things so early in the morning. I just don't really let it get to me.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Day 15 - 16: Anniversary

I did deviate big time for my own reasons. Trust me I didn't want to, but my bf had planned a very nice weekend getaway for us that I have accepted the fact that I will deviate and enjoy my time.
Overall, I am not sorry about it. I was happy. Inspite of knowing that it will delay my progress, or that the deviation will probably reflect on my next blood test.
Its ok. I am here to stay. As they say, cross the bridge when you get there. I will have to suck it all up again over the next few days, but I have accepted that by now. It wont be so easy and will be frustrating (scale wise).
Day 15: The beautiful Al Maha
Woke up late today being that it was the weekend, my fitbit gave me a star for meeting my sleep goals for today. BF gave me a nice Pandora heart necklace where you can place in tiny pictures in it. He still didn't tell me what exactly his plans were but he just said I needed to pack for an overnight somewhere (all I thought is that we were having dinner outside).
I was really excited, had my breakfast and we went early to a mall to get a new frame for his prescription glasse (my gift). We shopped for veggies, reached back home, cooked my lunch and packed. On the way to the location, I realized we were going to Al Maha Luxury Resort and Spa (wowzer!). It was sooo beautiful, exclusive and nice. He told me me we were going to have a dinner picnic, so then I decided not to have my lunch and save my calories for later (deviation 1).
I had a few nuts and the welcome drink and an hour later, I was really hungry! And here I was talking about not being hungry at all yesterday! sheesh... I had coffee and a cracker.
We swam, went for a sunset spot and then to the dinner in the middle of the desert. It was so nice but a tad humid. Delicious food too, but I really couldn't eat so much. I enjoyed it and ate to my fill (deviation 2.. and Im off the bus) It was lovely. Went back, chilled, watched tv, slept. What is it with 5 star hotels? Their beds and beddings are so, so, so comfortable. I want to have the same at home!! I slept like a baby..
Day 15: off the bus
Mood = happy
Hunger = didn't have time to be hungry except at the beginnin
Day 16: The merriment continues

Day 16: still off the bus
Mood = happy and sleepy
Hunger = in the evening, like really, had 5 provitas to calm the hunger and quarter of a protein bar