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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Day 27: This is getting ridiculous!

Hold on, this is really getting into my nerves. I woke up today and boom up 600gms?!??! what the fuck?! If its my freaking period, holy mother of whatnot why this torture>!>!!?!?!??!?!?!?
I woke up with the resolve that Im going to get to the bottom of this today. What the hell am I doing wrong!?!? Im just not breaking past 73kgs and its almost 2 weeks since my cheat day! 
Been going over it and maybe these are the reasons (?) aside from the cheat day on day 15:
1. Meal timings: 5 hour gaps kept but eating late (past 9)
2. Food scale: could it be? Seems like its working fine to me. How can I check it?
3. Weighing scale: I thought something was wrong with my scale, but I've proven that it is perfectly working (discussed below - taking proper measurements)
4. Coffee grounds: I got mine from Spain in May from a coffee shop (per the gram) in Las Rambla. could it?
5. Fruits: I'm eating one fruit under allowance, could it be? but fruits are optional right?
6. Water: am I drinking enough water? I don't really notice anymore
7. TOM: or my period is just putting everything out of whack?!?!?
7. Stress: at work, really? I have been under worse stress before. Maybe my body is undergoing stress during the PMS and TOM plus changes at work. I haven't been sleeping well the past few days.
So now.. RINSE and REPEAT!
1. Pre-cook a few day's meals - this time around, I cook my meals per day in the morning. Maybe the rush cooking stresses me out? Or makes me overlook some things in food measurements?
2. Having my crackers one at a time - maximum allowed at one go is 2 crackers which I do now per meal. It satisfies me, but maybe it doesn't work?
3. Eat all my allowances - hmmmm...
4. Eat my dinner at 9pm max - which means I have to eat my lunch and breakfast on time as well to keep the 5hour gap
5. Reduce stress, improve sleep - make time for YOGA (again). 
6. Take proper measurements - since I was doubtful of my weighing scale this morning, I decided to go for a Body Composition Analysis test this morning. So I woke up, didn't take any water or any food so I can do this right. I went there at 9am and I got my results.. WAAAAAHHHHH! My scale is right, I was hoping that it was giving me a wrong figure hahahaha..
7. Coffee - stick with the brand I know
8. Mix up portions - I just stick to the same servings and same proteins and carbs.. Maybe my body needs a change
So now that I have that report, I know where I stand now. I've really let my fitness go. How do I know that based on a piece of paper? I will discuss in a separate post, I'm going to take my body measurements again tomorrow (as detailed as I have been, if you want to have an idea, check my post here). This is still not as detailed as I have it, will do it on my next post.
Whew, so there, I've let my obsessive whatever run through.
Today was just ok, I am on time and on plan. A bit rushing through the day, but I'm good.
Maybe I should stop stressing about this.. :D
Day 27: deviation free, all allowances taken, vitamins too, more water today
Mood = ok. a bit stressed out with this scale thing
Hunger = none

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