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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 5: Deviations: Dont Do It!

Deviations - Just don't do it! Don't even toy with the idea. Don't you even dare step within the same block of smelling your temptations. Just don't.
Ive been good for 5 days, but it doesn't mean that I don't get cravings or that I don't miss my favorite junk. Every so often during the day, thoughts of having these treats have crept up and tested my willpower:
"Chocolate. Why cant I have just one? Its just 1% of what I will eat today"
"Bread. Just a slice. Why not? Then eat your regular meals."
"Meet your friends for dinner and eat your dinner there."
So easy to make justifications for the deviation. But experience will have it, once I start to give in, it will snowball from there and then I sit  there feeling bad about myself.

See there's a problem here. Its all or nothing THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING. For me to be successful on  maintenance, I should be able to handle it. Handle just having a piece of a cake and not finish the whole one. Or a line or 2 of chocolate and not the whole damn pack! As of now, I don't know how to resolve this. Shall I ask professor Google? :D

Im not strong enough to socialize yet. But eventually I will get there like before.

So for deviations, I will not even try and think that I can reign it all in. I've been there before. Funny thing is I've read this advise on the forum. During my first round I was so good that I haven't deviated at all and I have been toying with the idea of deviating, just to know. And everyone there kept telling me not to start deviating. Now I know what they meant and how it feels.

So lesson for the day: Deviation --> DONT DO IT AND BE A GOOD GIRL!

Note: No movement in the scale this morning. I wonder why? I've been within allowance and observed the timing requirements for meals and snacks.. hmmm

Day 5: Deviation free

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