I did deviate big time for my own reasons. Trust me I didn't want to, but my bf had planned a very nice weekend getaway for us that I have accepted the fact that I will deviate and enjoy my time.
Overall, I am not sorry about it. I was happy. Inspite of knowing that it will delay my progress, or that the deviation will probably reflect on my next blood test.
Its ok. I am here to stay. As they say, cross the bridge when you get there. I will have to suck it all up again over the next few days, but I have accepted that by now. It wont be so easy and will be frustrating (scale wise).
Day 15: The beautiful Al Maha
Woke up late today being that it was the weekend, my fitbit gave me a star for meeting my sleep goals for today. BF gave me a nice Pandora heart necklace where you can place in tiny pictures in it. He still didn't tell me what exactly his plans were but he just said I needed to pack for an overnight somewhere (all I thought is that we were having dinner outside).
I was really excited, had my breakfast and we went early to a mall to get a new frame for his prescription glasse (my gift). We shopped for veggies, reached back home, cooked my lunch and packed. On the way to the location, I realized we were going to Al Maha Luxury Resort and Spa (wowzer!). It was sooo beautiful, exclusive and nice. He told me me we were going to have a dinner picnic, so then I decided not to have my lunch and save my calories for later (deviation 1).
I had a few nuts and the welcome drink and an hour later, I was really hungry! And here I was talking about not being hungry at all yesterday! sheesh... I had coffee and a cracker.
We swam, went for a sunset spot and then to the dinner in the middle of the desert. It was so nice but a tad humid. Delicious food too, but I really couldn't eat so much. I enjoyed it and ate to my fill (deviation 2.. and Im off the bus) It was lovely. Went back, chilled, watched tv, slept. What is it with 5 star hotels? Their beds and beddings are so, so, so comfortable. I want to have the same at home!! I slept like a baby..
Day 15: off the bus
Mood = happy
Hunger = didn't have time to be hungry except at the beginnin
Day 16: The merriment continues

Day 16: still off the bus
Mood = happy and sleepy
Hunger = in the evening, like really, had 5 provitas to calm the hunger and quarter of a protein bar
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