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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 6: I cant wait!

To be at goal weight, finish reefed and not gain weight

To start working out and gain 7kgs of muscle!! (I determined that my happy weight is 65kgs :D)

To stay at happy weight.

To shop for new clothes! hahaha

I just cant wait for the good things to come!!!

Im just on my 6th day... So near yet so far...

I've given myself a year to pin this down. Uff! A goal that I actually achieve.

When I started this journey 2 years ago, I had a solid plan: REDUCE. REBUILD. MAINTAIN. I wrote a post about what I want to achieve here and I still want to get there.

Day 6 still feels easier than any of the days I attempted to get back on the bus using the old plan. Its really amazing. There was a part of me thinking that this food allocations being unique for each individual is BS, but looks like that its not.

I decided to take on a new plan because previously, every time I start, fail and then think of starting again (using old plan), I always wonder why is it so difficult this time?! On my first try in 2014, the cravings, missing of junk and taste of other food were there, but the desire to deviate was not strong. The subsequent attempts after gaining more than 8kgs were just merely pitiful! I am just sorry that I didn't think of getting a new plan sooner. Like "duh"-- Ive been trying for 2 years and it didn't work, so maybe the plan really doesn't work for me anymore! That was a huge clue staring point blank on my face and I didn't want to see it! Basically because I wanted to save my money... and in consequence, wasted 24 months.

I felt sleepy throughout the afternoon. I didn't have much to do at work. Been reading the forum for tips.

Day 6 - DV free. .5 fruit under allowance. Took 1 multivitamin only.
Mood = fine.
Hunger- manageable and not really hungry

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