Excited to see the 4wk results via the body composition analyzer at the gym tomorrow!! Im going at 8am before anything else- before eating and drinking (and ofcourse after peeing! :D)
Time flew fast. Whooo..
I dont think I will meet the 10kg goal though, the last week of this month showed SLOW losses for me, which was quite dissappointing.
BTW, I recruited 2 of my friends today to join the program.. I hope they get accepted!! :D
Meals were the usual:
BF: Egg+mushrooms+tomato+onion+capsicum+crackers+multivitamin
S: Coffee
L: Beef veggie stirfry
S: Apple + DC
S: crackers
D: tilapia fillets and shrimps stirfry+zucchini, cabbage, mushrooms, onion, capsicum+tropical spice condiment (white,black, green peppercorns+coriander seeds+all spice seeds) + crackers
S: orange
I had to return 1 pair of pants and 1 dress that I bought 2wks ago.. I wanted to get the smaller size so I can wear it later on. The pants is a size 8, which fit fine and the dress is a 10, which is loose on me now.. Im glad I didnt remove the tags!! :D I might get work pants though, as I am seriously going to be out of work pants very soon... :/ I ended up exchanging 1 pant, exchanging 1 dress and buying 1 more pants.. hmmmmm :D
I cooked the next 3 days meals and just included a capfull of balsamic vinegar in one of the meals per day... Lets see how I will like it and how it will affect my losses..
Doooo deeee dooo....
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Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Day 30: Beautiful Day
I wore one of the blouses I shopped for before my birthday. It fit so snuggly then, and now, its ok. I paired it with 1 of my work slacks, ha-ha!! It looks lousy on me now, and I think I can take it off without unzipping it. My thighs were swimming inside it, it had become a pair of baggy slacks! :D And this was my size 6years ago when I was supposedly at my normal/nice size and now it has become loose on me.
Aside from that, yes, it was a beautiful day today. A crisp, sunny and cool morning with less traffic (!!) followed by a hot noon (which would have been lovely to have been spent on the beach-> beach volley and tanning), and ended with a cool (and not so breezy) evening.
I had at least 6.5hrs of uninterrupted sleep, so thats good. If my cat wasnt such an early riser I could have slept more..
I did hatha yoga today : ^_^ happy.. got tired though, and the class wasnt any different. Am I getting weaker?
I had my egg brekky, beef stir fry, and tilapia w shrimp stirfry. The seafood dish tasted absolutely yummy with the addition of giner to it. I also used this tropical condiment in 1 grinder which consist of coriander seeds, peppercorns, and all spice. Tasted absolutely different.. Loved it for dinner.
Day 30, deviation free...
Day 29: Cheesy Does Not Do It
I weighed in today and have dissapointing 1 wk loss so Im not gonna post it now, Im going to wait for the 31st to have a final weight loss figure.. :'(
Woke up today and felt like having a cheese meal. I thought, I should try this Philadelphia Fat Free cream cheese that had so eluded the market shelves of a lot of members in the forum. Plus, it is going to expire in mid April so why not.
I made the zucchini cheese fritatta's (cheese+veggies+crackers)and I couldnt say it was any special. It was too much cheese for me even thouh I exceeded the veggie allowance by 10gms! I seriously thought that the allowance will be the same if I had an egg. Deviation! uff!
Plus, it didnt make me full. I felt elck! queasy, too much cheese! 2 hours later, I was so hungry and by hour 5 I was dizzy hungry!!
So no, no more cheese meals for me. :/
Today was hectic as usual:
laundry> met a friend who is going back to PH and gave stuff, got caught up in a lot of traffic> grocery> picked up foster cat who is having the flu> drop groceries home> took cat to the vet> suddenly I had an allergy that got my nosed stuffed> came home weighed my proteins, kept in freezer> slept for 2.5hrs!, felt weak and sick> had dinner, couldnt bring myself to make my meals for this week> by 10, dragged my ass to the kitchen and made 2 days worth of meals only> felt so tired> cleaned the litter boxes> washed> slept by 12!
The day was full and I wasnt feeling at my 100%. I didnt get to sweep/dust the house and my cat is shedding full time!!!! :( So cat hair is everywhere! Im picking balls of fur from every corner of the house.. I may have to get her fully shaved again.. hmmmm...
Day 29, not deviation free.. exceeded Meal 1 veggie allowance by 10gms.
Woke up today and felt like having a cheese meal. I thought, I should try this Philadelphia Fat Free cream cheese that had so eluded the market shelves of a lot of members in the forum. Plus, it is going to expire in mid April so why not.
I made the zucchini cheese fritatta's (cheese+veggies+crackers)and I couldnt say it was any special. It was too much cheese for me even thouh I exceeded the veggie allowance by 10gms! I seriously thought that the allowance will be the same if I had an egg. Deviation! uff!
Plus, it didnt make me full. I felt elck! queasy, too much cheese! 2 hours later, I was so hungry and by hour 5 I was dizzy hungry!!
So no, no more cheese meals for me. :/
Today was hectic as usual:
laundry> met a friend who is going back to PH and gave stuff, got caught up in a lot of traffic> grocery> picked up foster cat who is having the flu> drop groceries home> took cat to the vet> suddenly I had an allergy that got my nosed stuffed> came home weighed my proteins, kept in freezer> slept for 2.5hrs!, felt weak and sick> had dinner, couldnt bring myself to make my meals for this week> by 10, dragged my ass to the kitchen and made 2 days worth of meals only> felt so tired> cleaned the litter boxes> washed> slept by 12!
The day was full and I wasnt feeling at my 100%. I didnt get to sweep/dust the house and my cat is shedding full time!!!! :( So cat hair is everywhere! Im picking balls of fur from every corner of the house.. I may have to get her fully shaved again.. hmmmm...
Day 29, not deviation free.. exceeded Meal 1 veggie allowance by 10gms.
Day 28: Trusting the Harness

The mind really does play a major role on how we feel about things. See, we were in a safety harness, and yet, we were still nervous on that hanging logs and single rope line crossings. So what if we missed a step, we still wouldnt fall. Worst thing that can happen was that we strain our backs from the pull of our weight against the harness straps. But still alive..
Why so scared then??
Its all in my head. I need to trust the harness.
In the forum there was a question : "Will Cohen work for me?" I didnt have this question. I trusted the program completely on the basis of the weight loss of my friends. If it worked for each one of them, why wouldnt it be working for me? I researched the net, read through the forums before I jumped in to it, and never questioned it.
I trusted the program. I just went on with it, and now Im just waiting for 31st to check how much I've lost, which couldnt be lesser than 7kg. I have never experienced this kind of weightloss in a short period of time. Well I guess, except the time when I did my cracker diet, but that was just purely starvation.
Now my losses are slowing down, which I attribute to either stress or sleep. But Im still pushing through.
I have had a lot of deviating thoughts.. A lot of old food stuff in my mind that I would like to taste RIGHT NOW and thinking that 5 cashew bisquits wouldnt hurt. They say after the 3rd week, cravings will be gone, but I dont believe that. In any case, the program said a deviation will set me back a week, so Im NOT DEVIATING! I dont think that 1 wk is worth it.
Again, its all in the head. If you trust the harness, you will be able to move forward, quickly and safely, moreso you would have probably enjoyed the time in the harness, coz it made you try something you wouldnt have tried before.
Trust the program. Move on with it, and reach the end in triumph and a ton of kgs lighter.
Overall, this day was great! :) I packed my lunch, dinner, fruits, crackers and had DCs in between. I kept the minimum 5 hr gap for the meals and had my dinner at 9:10pm.
Day 28, deviation free :)
Day 27: That Dream
Ive read in some diaries that people dream of deviating from the plan and that the dream felt so real they got scared if they did actually deviate or not..
Ive been having such dreams the past few days.. But last night was the most memorable one. I dreamt that I deviated for both breakfast and lunch :D In my dream, I ate because we invited some relatives at home, some sort of a reunion.. There was bread, rice, curries, and ice cream!! :D Oh mayn! I really did wake up think like I wasted all my 26 days of effort hahahaha.. gawd...
I've got 4 more days until month end and my 4wk weigh in.. I cant wait!! Specially for the results from that body composition analyzer at the gym. I want to see where the weight has come off- fat, muscle or water..
Still deviation free :)
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Day 25 & 26: Gloomy Days
I was still on my off today (25th day) and availed the luxury of doing nothing :D I was just at home, folded my clothes, cleaned up a tiny bit and just sat in front of the telly and ate my meals on time. The day started out sunny but then eventually dimmed to a drizzling afternoon.
Im still on plan today, although, the scale seems to have gotten stuck starting 23rd day->it moved up 200gms, 24th-> went down by 200gms, & 25th-> moved down 200gms, and 26th -> no change.. :/ How can I possibly meet my 10kg target by month end at this rate?!
I went to watch a movie with friends in the evening. Dinner intact and taken on the 5th hr mark, I was intoxicated with the strong popcorn smell. I was seriously thinking of having a large tub for myself. As I was at the counter buying DC and water, I swear I could have bought one, but told myself "NO" calmly and sensibly. I thought to myself, I can have some popcorn when Im done with refeed, and thats just around 45-60days away. And time flies fast. If I deviate now, it would feel like I am starting on square one. So--> NO!
Meals for today were egg omelette, fish bokchoy and chicken oregano stirfry. I didnt have fruits today.. just 2 DCs and my crispbreads.. Not so good..
Weighed this morning, and the scale didnt budge! :(
Its a full on thunderstorm and strong winds today.. A lazy day to go to work :D but Im fine.. Nothing much to report though.
Meals were egg omelette, chicken oregano stir fry, and beef steak with veggies..
I was having bad thoughts today, I've been thinking how good i was for the past 26 days that Im finding this quite difficult, not having the [junk] food that I wanted to eat. I am in a state of being self indulgent and being complacent. I hate this. I cant quit now! Just thinking of another 30days on limited and unflavorful portions (thanks to the no hot spices requirement for me) seems sooooo boring for me. I may seem as strong, as I havent given in to any chance of deviating (even on my birthday) but it doesnt mean that I dont have my personal demons urging me to step outside this rigid line.
Its a constant struggle. Perhaps its due to the life long avoidance of delayed gratification. Arggghhhh! Then I keep thinking of the X number of times that I tried to lose weight, and I had not finished any single one of them. I lost weight but then did not maintain. Or I lost some weight and decided it was fine and just stopped being aware that it will actually come back if I didnt take care.
No. I cant stop now.
I wanted to go for Power Yoga afterwork, but I forgot my workout clothes.. so I just went straight home and slept early.. :)
Im still on plan today, although, the scale seems to have gotten stuck starting 23rd day->it moved up 200gms, 24th-> went down by 200gms, & 25th-> moved down 200gms, and 26th -> no change.. :/ How can I possibly meet my 10kg target by month end at this rate?!
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one of my weaknesses :( |
Meals for today were egg omelette, fish bokchoy and chicken oregano stirfry. I didnt have fruits today.. just 2 DCs and my crispbreads.. Not so good..

Its a full on thunderstorm and strong winds today.. A lazy day to go to work :D but Im fine.. Nothing much to report though.
Meals were egg omelette, chicken oregano stir fry, and beef steak with veggies..
I was having bad thoughts today, I've been thinking how good i was for the past 26 days that Im finding this quite difficult, not having the [junk] food that I wanted to eat. I am in a state of being self indulgent and being complacent. I hate this. I cant quit now! Just thinking of another 30days on limited and unflavorful portions (thanks to the no hot spices requirement for me) seems sooooo boring for me. I may seem as strong, as I havent given in to any chance of deviating (even on my birthday) but it doesnt mean that I dont have my personal demons urging me to step outside this rigid line.
Its a constant struggle. Perhaps its due to the life long avoidance of delayed gratification. Arggghhhh! Then I keep thinking of the X number of times that I tried to lose weight, and I had not finished any single one of them. I lost weight but then did not maintain. Or I lost some weight and decided it was fine and just stopped being aware that it will actually come back if I didnt take care.
No. I cant stop now.
I wanted to go for Power Yoga afterwork, but I forgot my workout clothes.. so I just went straight home and slept early.. :)
Monday, March 24, 2014
Day 24: Excercise
Program wise, I am good today. Ate my meals as planned.
I took a day off to relax as I wasnt able to take a leave on my birthday. I met with a friend who is visiting the country in the afternoon and we spent some time chatting and shopping (for her). I just had 2 cups of decaf and ate my lunch around 5pm.
She cant believe how much weight I have lost bec the last time I saw her I was probably 20kgs more.. She was really dumbfounded and asked me what Im doing, i told her Im doing the Cohen Diet. She is no stranger to this as it is very popular back home, and now that she is here, I sueggested if she wanted to sign up online, this is her chance.. I hope it works out for her, thats going to be a HUGE saving.
I decided to give Body Pump a try again today. It has been 10 days since I last worked out so I think its overdue. But knowing that I havent done any exercise (except for yoga yesterday) I had decreased my weights.
From the moment I started, despite the lighter weights, I felt weaker, my strength is not the same.. and I felt really bad about it. I know its the low calorie diet. I did feel lighter, I am lighter, but I felt the strain that I havent felt in a long time. I did finish the class, but with difficulty. Plus, I didnt sweat much which was annoying to me.
I didnt become so hungry, I felt more tired than hungry.. Like I am about to fall asleep on the wheel and I had no energy when I reached home.
As much as I love my pump class, I guess I wouldnt be doing it again anytime soon. I will be sticking to yoga alone..
Lesson learned.. :(
I took a day off to relax as I wasnt able to take a leave on my birthday. I met with a friend who is visiting the country in the afternoon and we spent some time chatting and shopping (for her). I just had 2 cups of decaf and ate my lunch around 5pm.
She cant believe how much weight I have lost bec the last time I saw her I was probably 20kgs more.. She was really dumbfounded and asked me what Im doing, i told her Im doing the Cohen Diet. She is no stranger to this as it is very popular back home, and now that she is here, I sueggested if she wanted to sign up online, this is her chance.. I hope it works out for her, thats going to be a HUGE saving.
I decided to give Body Pump a try again today. It has been 10 days since I last worked out so I think its overdue. But knowing that I havent done any exercise (except for yoga yesterday) I had decreased my weights.
From the moment I started, despite the lighter weights, I felt weaker, my strength is not the same.. and I felt really bad about it. I know its the low calorie diet. I did feel lighter, I am lighter, but I felt the strain that I havent felt in a long time. I did finish the class, but with difficulty. Plus, I didnt sweat much which was annoying to me.
I didnt become so hungry, I felt more tired than hungry.. Like I am about to fall asleep on the wheel and I had no energy when I reached home.
As much as I love my pump class, I guess I wouldnt be doing it again anytime soon. I will be sticking to yoga alone..
Lesson learned.. :(
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Day 23: Saturday = Stress Day
Ive noticed that for the past 3 Saturdays, 2 of them were full of running errands. And each Sunday after that, I wake up, weigh in and gain 200gms just like this morning! :((
How can I change this? hmmm... I've got 3 more kilos to lose until month end.. I have got to achieve this!
Today is a boring day and I am having the feeling of wanting to deviate just to have some variety during the day. Im just so glad that I had prepared all my meals in advance so there's not even a slight chance for me to find an excuse of getting off plan. Although, as I am feeling this, I actually dont know what I wanted to eat/deviate to.. Its probably just the bored feeling and Im using food to get rid of it..
As I was driving to office this morning, I saw this big ad on the bus stop saying "Crispy Chocolate Espresso" with an image of an ice cream on a stick.. Its crispy + it has chocolate + and it has espresso in an ice cream stick!! What more could you ask for??? huwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! :(
Temptation everyday, everywhere!
How can I change this? hmmm... I've got 3 more kilos to lose until month end.. I have got to achieve this!
Today is a boring day and I am having the feeling of wanting to deviate just to have some variety during the day. Im just so glad that I had prepared all my meals in advance so there's not even a slight chance for me to find an excuse of getting off plan. Although, as I am feeling this, I actually dont know what I wanted to eat/deviate to.. Its probably just the bored feeling and Im using food to get rid of it..
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kill me.. kill me now! :'( |
Temptation everyday, everywhere!
Day 22: Salami Backed & Road Rage
Warning: a lot of profanity in this post
Weighed in this morning, and lost 2.1kgs. Now thats a total of 7.3kgs! :)
Saturday is becoming a day of chores for me uff-- laundry, folding clothes, house cleaning, groceries, and cooking my 5days worth of meals, which usually ends at 1am.
In my attempt to de-stress, I went for a cupping massage. Turns out, I am really stressed out and lots of toxins in my body.. It was lovely. Their massage therapists are the best of what I have tried so far.
After getting relaxed, I drove home and encountered some traffic, which I tried hard not to bother me. I went to shop for groceries, which took me less than an hour, coz now I mostly stay in almost 1 section of the huge supermarket (well except for the cat food section which was almost on the other end of the store).
Picked up my foster cat, my naughty boy Henry, who, according to the lady who took him for adoption day, got a lot of interest but was unfortunately not adopted.
All was fine, until I became a victim of road rage. A guy was trying to cut in front of me after queueing in the long line of cars, and he had the nerve to shout at me and call the police at me saying Im not giving way. I lost my nerve and shouted back! Like if I can swear in this
country without getting prosecuted I would have done so already. I took his picture that he was trying to cut in front of me as a proof to the police if ever he files a complaint, but he in turn took my cars picture and my picture, I was soooo fucking mad!!!!!!!! I got so stressed that I felt some acidity in my tummy..
I tried to let it go during the rest of the night, by going on with my routine and cooking but I still get stressed about it. I wasnt wrong in the first place and that asshole had the nerve to call the police on me?? mother fucker!!!!
I tried the breathing technique, didnt work. I just want to let this go.. But everytime I remember it, I get worked up, and I feel that acidity in my tummy...
Other than that, my meals were on as planned, today was a beef day, and quite delcious in fact. I had everything- meals, vitamins, crispbreads, fruits, and a 500ml DC.
DV free!
Weighed in this morning, and lost 2.1kgs. Now thats a total of 7.3kgs! :)
Saturday is becoming a day of chores for me uff-- laundry, folding clothes, house cleaning, groceries, and cooking my 5days worth of meals, which usually ends at 1am.
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Salami Back looks painful, doesnt it? :) |
After getting relaxed, I drove home and encountered some traffic, which I tried hard not to bother me. I went to shop for groceries, which took me less than an hour, coz now I mostly stay in almost 1 section of the huge supermarket (well except for the cat food section which was almost on the other end of the store).
Picked up my foster cat, my naughty boy Henry, who, according to the lady who took him for adoption day, got a lot of interest but was unfortunately not adopted.
All was fine, until I became a victim of road rage. A guy was trying to cut in front of me after queueing in the long line of cars, and he had the nerve to shout at me and call the police at me saying Im not giving way. I lost my nerve and shouted back! Like if I can swear in this
country without getting prosecuted I would have done so already. I took his picture that he was trying to cut in front of me as a proof to the police if ever he files a complaint, but he in turn took my cars picture and my picture, I was soooo fucking mad!!!!!!!! I got so stressed that I felt some acidity in my tummy..
I tried to let it go during the rest of the night, by going on with my routine and cooking but I still get stressed about it. I wasnt wrong in the first place and that asshole had the nerve to call the police on me?? mother fucker!!!!
I tried the breathing technique, didnt work. I just want to let this go.. But everytime I remember it, I get worked up, and I feel that acidity in my tummy...
Other than that, my meals were on as planned, today was a beef day, and quite delcious in fact. I had everything- meals, vitamins, crispbreads, fruits, and a 500ml DC.
DV free!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Day 21: Holi Day
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Holi-fied :) |
People around me dont seem to understand the need for me to be too strict with my food intake and the no booze policy. Its diffiult to explain to them. They think Im already cutting out too much and why a little bit of this, and a bit of that, and a can of beer would hurt so much.. I just honestly feel bad with saying "no" to them. They even to offer to cook for me at home, but still I say no.
The party's major sponsor is a good business contact of mine and kept insisting in buying me a drink and I kept saying "No, No, please, Im not drinking" This tug of war kept on for a few minutes but I really had no intention to budge.. So he ended up buying me a bottle of water. :D
Plus, its an Indian fesTival and the venue served Indian food and junk food, to which I have a very good appetite for. The smell of the curries, the chaats, samosas and other junk were really tempting that I felt bad and at the same time good for eating my packed lunch. Bad because I know what was available there were more delicious and tastier, and good because I was able to stuck through it knowing that having those will not serve the purpose of taking on this journey..
I came home late yesterday evening so I woke up late and was lazy to prepare any meals. I ended up having egg omelette for breakfast, and tuna with veggies for lunch and dinner. Of course, I bought my lunch to the beach party and ate it with my crispbreads.
Now thinking about it, I had many opportunities to deviate, with a good reason to boot. But I just didnt let myself to. I really didnt want to. I know myself, when I wanted something, there is no need to convince me or it wouldnt take so much convincing, and I would take it myself.
My friend was telling me in the car that my willpower is so good. I SWEAR TO GOD, I didnt even know I can be this strong. I always buckle and now, no deviation at all, not even a tiny bit.. At this point, its just not worth it breaking the straight 21 days of being deviation free!!
Oh, but, they were throwing colors at the party, and a lot of them got thrown in face and my mouth! I did try to spit most of what I can, and gargle - spit with water, but Im sure, I have ingested a small amount of the colors... :/ which was really unavoidable.. So that is a deviation.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Day 20: Detox??
Could I be detoxing so late in the program? Ive noticed for the past 2 days, that I am hungry, sleepy and somehow lightheaded in the afternoon.. Even just after an hour of my meal, I feel my stomach is hungry. I can get past through it but this has never happened before.. It could be when Im having a seafood day? I had seafood for today and yesterday. Could this be it?
I wore my skinny jeans today!! whooohooo.. still hurt a bit in the tummy an tight.. but yes wearable... I think its time to buy a skinnier pair of jeans to look forward to into wearing :D
Meals today:
BF: eggs+finely chopped mushroom, cabbage, tomato, onions+2crispbreads
S: coffee
L: BokChoy stir fried in onion, garlic and ginger +cubed tilapia fillets stir fried in finely chopped mushrooms, onion, and garlic
S: 1 crispbread
S: 2 crispbreads
D: BokChoy stir fried in onion, garlic and ginger +cubed tilapia fillets stir fried in finely chopped mushrooms, onion, and garlic +green apple
S: green apple
Program wise, we celebrated my birthday as planned, and I stuck to my meals and still deviation free today! I will have my beef meals tomorrow.. Maybe
The only thing that is not right, is that I havent worked out in more than a week! I am too busy! Not even a single session of yoga, and I miss it. I think I may go on Saturday or Sunday.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Power of The Power Suit
Ok ladies and gentlemen, I seriously didnt think the Cohen will work this quick for me. Out of curiousity, I took out all my "power suits" from storage, that were last worn aroun 4-5 years ago, just to see if any one will fit me for our meeting today with our big bosses. And my God, not only did they fit, but they did fit comfortably!
I didnt realize I was that close to my normal/old body and what I have been doing pre-Cohen's was what was stopping me from reaching it. I mean, it has been months of trying (working out hard, eating like crap) to get down back to this size, which 5years ago, I consider to be big already.
I decided to wear my favorite beige ones today. And OMG, the phrase "Dressing for the part" really seem to have a huge difference on my self esteem, the way I walk and talk, and the way everyone seem to take a 2nd look, or give me a compliment about it. I felt like I was respected, that everyone looked at me as a professional, and not just one of the colleagues in the office. This was how I used to dress when I was in my normal size- confident and impeccably well dressed.
I cant believe how I have let myself go- in every aspect in my life. I really didnt put an effort into anything, and gradually, I had placed myself in a mediocre grade.. Like in a 5year dug-out.. and there i kept on deteriorating..
Im glad I finally made a decision to go to the gym 2 years ago, workout and accepted the fact that losing all this weight will take time. And I am more than thankful that I was able to keep up with it, lost 25kgs, without dieting!!
And now Im in the home stretch, and levelled up by doing the Cohen, which is what I needed for that extra push to reach my goal..
I am just so happy and content right now. That finally everything is moving into place. That I have taken back some of the control in my life.
There are still some uncertainty approaching in my career life, but as my outlook has now improved, I can see that everything really did happen for a reason and for the greater good. I still have to wait a few more months to see where my life would take its turn, but right now, I am good. I am blessed and I am thankful.
I didnt realize I was that close to my normal/old body and what I have been doing pre-Cohen's was what was stopping me from reaching it. I mean, it has been months of trying (working out hard, eating like crap) to get down back to this size, which 5years ago, I consider to be big already.
I decided to wear my favorite beige ones today. And OMG, the phrase "Dressing for the part" really seem to have a huge difference on my self esteem, the way I walk and talk, and the way everyone seem to take a 2nd look, or give me a compliment about it. I felt like I was respected, that everyone looked at me as a professional, and not just one of the colleagues in the office. This was how I used to dress when I was in my normal size- confident and impeccably well dressed.
I cant believe how I have let myself go- in every aspect in my life. I really didnt put an effort into anything, and gradually, I had placed myself in a mediocre grade.. Like in a 5year dug-out.. and there i kept on deteriorating..
Im glad I finally made a decision to go to the gym 2 years ago, workout and accepted the fact that losing all this weight will take time. And I am more than thankful that I was able to keep up with it, lost 25kgs, without dieting!!
And now Im in the home stretch, and levelled up by doing the Cohen, which is what I needed for that extra push to reach my goal..
I am just so happy and content right now. That finally everything is moving into place. That I have taken back some of the control in my life.
There are still some uncertainty approaching in my career life, but as my outlook has now improved, I can see that everything really did happen for a reason and for the greater good. I still have to wait a few more months to see where my life would take its turn, but right now, I am good. I am blessed and I am thankful.
Day 19: Its My Birthday!!
First my sweet friends brought over some nice choco mousse cake which I didnt eat..
Second, another colleague of mine has the same birthdate and she bought doughnuts!
But I survived this day, DV free!!! I seriously cant believe it, but I conquered this day! (conquered.. big word :D)
I gave myself a treat by eating 1 full thai mango for dinner (included in allowance), which a monk convinced me to buy from the supermarket :D I couldnt believe I saw a monk in the supermarket (?) I was reaching for Australian mangoes, choosing, then he said, buy Thailand mangoes.. very goood.. And I said "yes ofcourse!" I actually didnt notice them as they were very few.. And boy, where they expensive!! :D
My colleagues bought me lovely flowers coz they knew I wont eat anything else :D
Whooo!! one more day to go.. Tomorrow is the official celebration of my birthday at a friends house, dinner and drinks.. but I will stay on plan.
In the afternoon though, I felt a 'crash'.. I dont know why but after 4, I felt sleepy and hungry.. I waited til 4:45 to eat my crispbreads bec I was so hungry.. and after eating that I still felt hungry. I usually feel ok after Ive eaten my crispbreads or fruit, but this time it wasnt the case. I was very sleepy that I wanted nothing to do but go home and sleep. Why?
I also have a dillemma with people wanting to try my food. Im not selfish but I dont think they understand how less my food is, and every single gram counts.. I dont even offer them my food, because I may end up with almost nothing. It happened twice today, for breakfast, my friend had a small bite of my egg omellete and at lunch, a colleague wanted to try the tilapia fillet. Hardly 5 grams of food taken from me.. but still...
I have to prepare my BokChoy dish for them so I rushed from work to buy the bokchoy and the tilapia fillets, and cooked our food for tomorrow.. Of course, I will still stay within my food allowance..
I may be DV free today, I seriously wanted to have my birthday treats! I wanted to treat myself. But I keep reminding myself of my deadline and on how important it is to meet. I just kept telling myself:
- its just 2 months of the CD and I will reach my goal weight
- another 15 or so days for my refeed, and
- 15 days to start playing with your maintenance..
After this 3months, I can afford to be less strict with food choices...More forgiving.. But until then.... I have to practice the art of self control..
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Day 18: Stress!
What a stressful day. I am really upset.
A day that began nicely was perfectly ruined by a friend of mine by deciding to pick a fight with me. Must be the full yellow moon tonight.. Sent all hormones flying.. D
On top of that, work is coming left, right and center, and everyone cant seem to wait.
Uff.. tomorrow is my birthday.. and Im not quite sure if I can keep up with my statement:
Can I do this???
Im heading for a mani pedi later, I will try the gelish french tip. Im going not because its my birthday.. Im going because our VP and CCO are coming the next day.. Need to look professional from top to bottom..
Had my lunch at 4pm! Can you imagine!? i was that busy, I didnt even feel hungry. Meals for the day:
BF: eggs+cabbage+mushroom+onion+half cheek of the mango
S: Crispbreads +coffee
sipped DC throughout
L: Stir fried Bok Choy (garlic+ginger+onion) topped off with garlic-ky tilapia fillet with parsley and corriander leaves
S: crispbreads
D: Beef stir fry+stir fried veggies (cabbage, mushroom, onions, capsicum)
S: apple
I was really too busy that i had dinner at almost 10pm..
However, the day ended well as my friends came over my place by 12midnight and brough over some chocolate mousse cake.. It was such a lovely gesture. Plus I did get calls from friends abroad at exactly 12mn (my time) so in some places it was already 3am, 4am, 5am, and yet they still called me.
And I didnt touch that cake!! Although, it was so tempting to lick off that mousse from the knife when I was placing it in containers to bring to the office the next day :D
DV free today.
A day that began nicely was perfectly ruined by a friend of mine by deciding to pick a fight with me. Must be the full yellow moon tonight.. Sent all hormones flying.. D
On top of that, work is coming left, right and center, and everyone cant seem to wait.
Uff.. tomorrow is my birthday.. and Im not quite sure if I can keep up with my statement:
No treats for me girls. We will meet up but I will eat my packed dinner. You all can drink and celebrate but I will not.. Gifts are still welcome though :D
Can I do this???
Im heading for a mani pedi later, I will try the gelish french tip. Im going not because its my birthday.. Im going because our VP and CCO are coming the next day.. Need to look professional from top to bottom..
Had my lunch at 4pm! Can you imagine!? i was that busy, I didnt even feel hungry. Meals for the day:
BF: eggs+cabbage+mushroom+onion+half cheek of the mango
S: Crispbreads +coffee
sipped DC throughout
L: Stir fried Bok Choy (garlic+ginger+onion) topped off with garlic-ky tilapia fillet with parsley and corriander leaves
S: crispbreads
D: Beef stir fry+stir fried veggies (cabbage, mushroom, onions, capsicum)
S: apple
I was really too busy that i had dinner at almost 10pm..
However, the day ended well as my friends came over my place by 12midnight and brough over some chocolate mousse cake.. It was such a lovely gesture. Plus I did get calls from friends abroad at exactly 12mn (my time) so in some places it was already 3am, 4am, 5am, and yet they still called me.
And I didnt touch that cake!! Although, it was so tempting to lick off that mousse from the knife when I was placing it in containers to bring to the office the next day :D
DV free today.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Day 17: Happy Bunny
I am :D
The scale has moved down again this morning.. so whew..
People keep telling me:
"You've lost so much weight!" *smile sweetly*
"You look toned now." -- "I am?" *smile*
"You lost weight?" -- "Yes" *smile proudly*
"What more you want to lose??" :D I answer 13kgs more, and they go "Whatttt???!!!!!" *snicker inside and smile*
"What diet are you doing? Give me the food plan!" --- Ummm noo zzirrreeee.. "let me tell you..."
Honestly if you look at me before Cohens, I was just chubby. I have shape, but Im not flab free, so people are more forgiving of my size and I think I look taller than I really am (posture is quite good, my teenage years were spent with my mom correcting my sloppy posture in my attempt to hide them "girls").
You can call me "proportionately fat!" :D
But the truth is, I am fat. I have fat, which I want to lose..
See, at the beginning of this journey, I have clarified that my aim was not to be skinny. Although for now that seems to be the route Im taking. So when people ask "What more do you want to lose?", I really cannot explain quickly my REDUCE, REBUILD and MAINTAIN plan.. Its kind of tiring...
5kgs really does make a difference. I dont know from where that 5kgs came from (from fat, from muscle, from water) but the effect on my appearance is totally SIGNIFICANT. Comments like that make me feel proud and want to go further.
Today was quite a busy day, I kept 2 DCs on my desk for that sweet craving (just had 1 though).. I seriously miss those cookies and the biscuits that I love to have nearly everyday. Cashew biscuits dunked in orange juice and I suckle on them first before chewing.. yumm yumm
Ate my meals as planned, but I think I had too much button mushrooms for today (4.5 pcs- 2.5 for BF and 1 per meal). I heard mushrooms have an effect on weightloss, guess will find that out tomorrow morning.
BF: egg+mushrooms,capsicum,onion
S: 1 crispbread and coffee
sipped DC through before lunch
L: Beef stirfry + veggies - cabbage, capsicum, onion, mushroom
S: 2 crispbreads
D: Stir fried Bok Choy (in garlic,onion and ginger) topped of with garlic-ky prawns and tilapia fillets + 2 crispbreads
S: 1 cheek and the bone/middle of a mango (kept the other cheek for tomorrow's breakfast..
DV free but forgot to take my multivitamins today.. :/
I shopped for afew clothes.. my aim was just to buy a birthday dress but I ended up with a lot more.. I did buy the clothes 1 size smaller or fitting tight passable to be worn now, but would look better when i lost more weight. :)
I cant wait for the Rebuild phase of my plan.. Uff!! I can see those toned muscles coming up!!!
On a side note, my foster cat is driving me nutttttsss!! he is such a sweetheart, but whenever I leave him alone in the kitchen, he cries and cries and cries like madness!!!
Thank God for earplugs!
Good day people! :*
The scale has moved down again this morning.. so whew..
People keep telling me:
"You've lost so much weight!" *smile sweetly*
"You look toned now." -- "I am?" *smile*
"You lost weight?" -- "Yes" *smile proudly*
"What more you want to lose??" :D I answer 13kgs more, and they go "Whatttt???!!!!!" *snicker inside and smile*
"What diet are you doing? Give me the food plan!" --- Ummm noo zzirrreeee.. "let me tell you..."
Honestly if you look at me before Cohens, I was just chubby. I have shape, but Im not flab free, so people are more forgiving of my size and I think I look taller than I really am (posture is quite good, my teenage years were spent with my mom correcting my sloppy posture in my attempt to hide them "girls").
You can call me "proportionately fat!" :D
But the truth is, I am fat. I have fat, which I want to lose..
See, at the beginning of this journey, I have clarified that my aim was not to be skinny. Although for now that seems to be the route Im taking. So when people ask "What more do you want to lose?", I really cannot explain quickly my REDUCE, REBUILD and MAINTAIN plan.. Its kind of tiring...
5kgs really does make a difference. I dont know from where that 5kgs came from (from fat, from muscle, from water) but the effect on my appearance is totally SIGNIFICANT. Comments like that make me feel proud and want to go further.
Today was quite a busy day, I kept 2 DCs on my desk for that sweet craving (just had 1 though).. I seriously miss those cookies and the biscuits that I love to have nearly everyday. Cashew biscuits dunked in orange juice and I suckle on them first before chewing.. yumm yumm
Ate my meals as planned, but I think I had too much button mushrooms for today (4.5 pcs- 2.5 for BF and 1 per meal). I heard mushrooms have an effect on weightloss, guess will find that out tomorrow morning.
BF: egg+mushrooms,capsicum,onion
S: 1 crispbread and coffee
sipped DC through before lunch
L: Beef stirfry + veggies - cabbage, capsicum, onion, mushroom
S: 2 crispbreads
D: Stir fried Bok Choy (in garlic,onion and ginger) topped of with garlic-ky prawns and tilapia fillets + 2 crispbreads
S: 1 cheek and the bone/middle of a mango (kept the other cheek for tomorrow's breakfast..
DV free but forgot to take my multivitamins today.. :/
I shopped for afew clothes.. my aim was just to buy a birthday dress but I ended up with a lot more.. I did buy the clothes 1 size smaller or fitting tight passable to be worn now, but would look better when i lost more weight. :)
I cant wait for the Rebuild phase of my plan.. Uff!! I can see those toned muscles coming up!!!
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Im an Angel.. until you leave this room & stop giving me cuddles! |
Thank God for earplugs!
Good day people! :*
Day 16: Oh No... :-(
Would you look at that?! The weather keeps getting nastier.. Uff.. No wonder everyone I know is some sort of 'sick'.. Im just glad I didnt clean my balcony yet!!
Woke up this morning and did my weigh in (which I know I shouldnt do daily, but hey?) and I gained 200gms!!
Just reading that makes me laugh. Its crazy to even react a bit on a weight gain as miniscule as that! Im not really bothered, I just wanted to know why it happened. It could be:
1) TOM
2) My breakfast yesterday was kind of salty for my taste, so I must have had more salt for breakfast than usual
3) I changed crispbread brands? Finn Multigrain is allowed (right?), and I weighed them too before taking them
4) Stress? TOM + cooked my 4days worth of meals for 3 hrs, so I was standing for 3 hours (includes washing dishes, and cleaning the kitchen up)
Hmm what could it be? I aim to lose 5 more kilos by end of March or more..
I was so busy today that I didnt get to pee until 1pm!! I was bursting! :D
My meals today are all seafood, and they were all tasty.. :) yipeee!
Breakfast: egg omelette + crispbreads
Snack: greenapple and coffee
Lunch: prawns and zucchi pasta with basil, mushrooms, garlic, corriander and tomato..yumm
Snack: 1 crispbread
Dinner: Garlic tilapia fillet with parsley and corriander + mixed stir fried cabbage, mushrooms, onion and capsicum+sprite light
Evening snack: medium orange
However, I did feel hungry quickly after my dinner. After an hour I find myself reaching for that orange.
Still DV free!!
Woke up this morning and did my weigh in (which I know I shouldnt do daily, but hey?) and I gained 200gms!!
Just reading that makes me laugh. Its crazy to even react a bit on a weight gain as miniscule as that! Im not really bothered, I just wanted to know why it happened. It could be:
1) TOM
2) My breakfast yesterday was kind of salty for my taste, so I must have had more salt for breakfast than usual
3) I changed crispbread brands? Finn Multigrain is allowed (right?), and I weighed them too before taking them
4) Stress? TOM + cooked my 4days worth of meals for 3 hrs, so I was standing for 3 hours (includes washing dishes, and cleaning the kitchen up)
Hmm what could it be? I aim to lose 5 more kilos by end of March or more..
I was so busy today that I didnt get to pee until 1pm!! I was bursting! :D
My meals today are all seafood, and they were all tasty.. :) yipeee!
Breakfast: egg omelette + crispbreads
Snack: greenapple and coffee
Lunch: prawns and zucchi pasta with basil, mushrooms, garlic, corriander and tomato..yumm
Snack: 1 crispbread
Dinner: Garlic tilapia fillet with parsley and corriander + mixed stir fried cabbage, mushrooms, onion and capsicum+sprite light
Evening snack: medium orange
However, I did feel hungry quickly after my dinner. After an hour I find myself reaching for that orange.
Still DV free!!
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Day 15: Day Just at Home
I weighed this morning and I lost 2kgs!! Thats a total of 5.2kgs in 14days! :) i was hoping for 3kgs as well, but I will settle for 2.. at least it is now below 2...
This day way planned to be a total adventure, but due to crazy weather, me and my friends were sick in one way other.
Day started with a nice brekky. I bought this food chopper from IKEA yesterday which I absolutely love! It is smal though so I have to chop my veggies in portions but thats ok.. I had eggs with finely chopped mushrooms, onion and capsicum.
The lady who rescued henry came in for some professional photos.. And boy, was he difficult! It took us over an hour to get a few shot, and not the ones the lady was hoping for.. it was tiring.. I had to order biscuits and an orange juice for the lady and she didnt have the biscuits.. I am so tempted to have one...
I had garlic tilapia fillet bits and prawns for lunch with cabbage, mushrooms, capsicum, corriander.. had a mango on the side.. It was yummy..
I did my laundry and was too lazy to prepare my food for the week, plus I have to buy my crispbread. I am totally out..
TOM is definitely here..
I havent done any workout this week after that pump and combat session... was too busy.. :)
This day way planned to be a total adventure, but due to crazy weather, me and my friends were sick in one way other.
Day started with a nice brekky. I bought this food chopper from IKEA yesterday which I absolutely love! It is smal though so I have to chop my veggies in portions but thats ok.. I had eggs with finely chopped mushrooms, onion and capsicum.
The lady who rescued henry came in for some professional photos.. And boy, was he difficult! It took us over an hour to get a few shot, and not the ones the lady was hoping for.. it was tiring.. I had to order biscuits and an orange juice for the lady and she didnt have the biscuits.. I am so tempted to have one...
I had garlic tilapia fillet bits and prawns for lunch with cabbage, mushrooms, capsicum, corriander.. had a mango on the side.. It was yummy..
I did my laundry and was too lazy to prepare my food for the week, plus I have to buy my crispbread. I am totally out..
TOM is definitely here..
I havent done any workout this week after that pump and combat session... was too busy.. :)
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Day 14: Up and About
A friend picked me up, whom I had to drop at the airport and take his car (instead of rentin) for two weeks. We had 1 hour to kill so we had coffee and chatted. By 1, we had to stop by a Mosque so he can offer prayer, I waited in the car, and we headed towards to airport at 1:30. After goodbyes, I drove off for some shopping.
I reached IKEA before 2pm as I needed to buy those lint remover roller refills, but everyone knows that when you go to IKEA you dont step out that place with just what you wanted, you will step out with more than you wanted coz you never thought of stuff that you actually COULD need :D
So by 2:30, I did my 1 wk food supply grocery shopping. I finished by 3:30. I had to wait for my prawns to be cleaned, so I stepped out of there close to 4PM. I just bought my lowfat yogurt, water and ate it with my crispbread. I almost missed the last hour allowed for my lunch!!
When I reached home by 5, I cleaned my proteins, weighed them and kept in the fridge. After cleaning up, I immediately left and took my foster cat to the groomers around 6. OMG the torture!! He was such a difficult cat!! I couldnt even explain. He was shouting and meowing to the high heavens the whole time!!!! He had grease on his tail thats why I had to take him.. Poor baby.. I have been to the same groomers with my cat and they are good. And their grooming station is in a room with a wall of glass so owners can see everything that was happenning and all occassions I was there, I saw that they treat/groom the cats really well.. But this one, Henry is a nightmare! Both groomers were bitten and scratched I think..
With the hassle and traffic, I reached home by 8, and decided to relax a bit before cooking my last meal. I was so tired I just boiled chicken breasts with cabbage and peppercorns flavored with salt and crispbreads. After dinner I chilled out for a bit.
After relaxing, I started to clean my house by 930 AND finished by 12midnight..
Whew... I wanted to sleep and saw that Death Becomes Her on cable. I havent seen that movie in a long time!! So I watched it til 3am and crashed to sleep..
WHHHHEWW.. Where did that energy come from? And to think my period had started showing itself...
As hectic as the day was, I am deviation free!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Day 13: :D
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wooo hooo hooo! |
This morning before going to work I was figuring out what to wear. Since I lost my initial 25kgs became a size 12, I took out my old skinny jeans (the skinniest Ive been) from storage back in the closet in the hopes of fitting into them soon. I remember I bought them when I was a size 8. And it has been sitting in my closet for more than 4mos now.. :/ It can fit but each leg will have to be forced in the thighs area.. and of course, no chance of even making the 2 ends meet to button up
So this morning, I thought, what the hell, lets see.. And to my amazement, it fit with the button closed and zipped up. It was still tight esp in the waist area as I had a fat overlap there when squeezed by the belt line. But the fact of the matter is it closed!! I could have actually worn it today if I had worn a loose blouse, but decided not to, I will wait for next week!!
So far so good. Still DV free.. I had
BF: eggs +onion+cabbage +coriander +1 cracker
snack: apple & coffee
Lunch: beef stir fry + cabbage +cucumber+2 crackers
snack: tea
Dinner: a portion of tilapia and a portion of tuna in brine + veggies+ 2 crackers
evening snack: green apple
I have a hectic weekend and I need to shop for food supplies tomorrow.. Saturday is an all out day.. *fingers crossed*
I have to admit though, Im craving for sweets..cookies, chocos, ice cream.. But I can control it and hopefully all throughout. I have a deadline and I cant miss it..
TOM has made its appearance :S
Day 11 & 12: Easy Peazy
I find it more easier to say no to the old junk food that I love so much. Dont get me wrong, I still love them but Im ok not to have them for now. I figured these chocos, cheesecakes, sweets and all the junk food will still be there, and will continue to be there for the rest of my life
There is no shortage people! :D no need for panic eating.. I have to keep telling myself this.
After experiencing the effects of clean eating yesterday with my workouts, I feel much confident that I would want to continue eating clean. My workout performance showed so much improvement, I cannot even begin to explain it.
Im just happy and Im just 11days from eating well.
Nothing much to report. Im still on plan. The scale is moving but I think slightly slower (?) than last week. I would know on the morning of the 15th.
Somehow the PMS symptoms were not here today. hmmmm.. weird..
Day 12
Today is not so easy. I didnt get enough sleep and I dont know why. I did go to bed early around 10:30 but woke up at 2:30 and couldnt sleep since.
Im am PMsing big time. Lower tummy is in pain, body is heavy, having the sniffles, and no sleep! To top that off, I forgot to bring my multivitamins today. So i really have to exert effort in resisting my sweet cravings..
I met friends in the evening and I dont know what came over me but I was able to stick to plan even if:
1) they had bagels and cream cheese in front of me. Ijust sipped my decaf
2) went to a club for ladies night with 3 free house spirits for ladies and free popcorn! I did not touch a single thing!!
Victory dance for me! Whooohooo!! DV free.
I feel like Im getting stronger day by day...
There is no shortage people! :D no need for panic eating.. I have to keep telling myself this.
After experiencing the effects of clean eating yesterday with my workouts, I feel much confident that I would want to continue eating clean. My workout performance showed so much improvement, I cannot even begin to explain it.
Im just happy and Im just 11days from eating well.
Nothing much to report. Im still on plan. The scale is moving but I think slightly slower (?) than last week. I would know on the morning of the 15th.
Somehow the PMS symptoms were not here today. hmmmm.. weird..
Day 12
Today is not so easy. I didnt get enough sleep and I dont know why. I did go to bed early around 10:30 but woke up at 2:30 and couldnt sleep since.
Im am PMsing big time. Lower tummy is in pain, body is heavy, having the sniffles, and no sleep! To top that off, I forgot to bring my multivitamins today. So i really have to exert effort in resisting my sweet cravings..
I met friends in the evening and I dont know what came over me but I was able to stick to plan even if:
1) they had bagels and cream cheese in front of me. Ijust sipped my decaf
2) went to a club for ladies night with 3 free house spirits for ladies and free popcorn! I did not touch a single thing!!
I feel like Im getting stronger day by day...
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Day 10: Shhh.. Its All Good
Hey all!
The scale started to move again just a bit, so Im good..
It was too foggy today, another sign of weather change and my throat hurts and Im having colds from allergy (again!! uff).. so thats not good...
Ate my meals as planned. Deviation free.. so thats good
Definitely PMSing.. so thats not good..
But, I decided to join the Body Pump Class AND Body Combat that my fave intstructor has invited me to.. I know this is a big no-no while in Cohens but, I just wanted to see how I'll do. I feel ok to do it so I went.
I lifted with the same weights and gave it my all for the combat class. I had sweat like never before.
I also noticed that I feel stronger and lighter. I really believe my yoga sessions had helped my muscles. I never really paid attention to stretching (for about a year) so can you imagine how constricted/tight my muscles were?? AND! YOU REALLY CANT BEAT CLEAN EATING!!
"Eat clean. Train dirty" -- Unknown
I know Im not supposed to workout while on Cohens, but my consultant said that I need to reduce my workouts so I dont feel hungry. Lets put this in my perspective, I used to do this:
1) Body Pump + Intense Cardio (pump, step, spinning) 3X a week
2) 5KM Treadmill session 2X a week
So this was my normal routine before I started Cohens. I did reduce my workouts to:
1) Yoga 3X a week
Adding this Pump and Combat once a week, is still significantly less.
How did I feel? ---The rush of endorphins was awesome! It felt so good, its addictive!!
I ate my last meal 20 minutes after my workout, which is a beef meal+crackers. An hour and a half later, I had a fruit. I didnt feel ravenously hungry after this workout.
After an hour of reaching home, the endorphins went down and I felt so tired that I slept by 11:30
Body pain was there, which was expected.. all good
Perspired a lot.. felt so good..
Did not feel dizzy nor dying.. thats good..
So all in all the day went great.. Lets just see if I can manage to get up to work tomorrow..
AND, I am thinking of doing this once a week, depending on how I feel the previous day and the day of the workout
Its all good people..
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Day 9: Some good.. Some bad.. Some PMS >:(
Guess what, I weighed myself this morning, the scale didnt budge at all! Not even a single gram! After my full active day yesterday and me having my meals, and deviating by just 1 measley 5.85g cracker! :(( I am stuck there??
Anyhow, the good thing is, when I wore my clothes today, it felt looser, specially my slacks. The waist fit just right without resistance and it is significantly looser in the hips and thighs area. Feels good not to be busting into seams :)
Today, I woke up feeling tired and that my body is in mild pain. The kind of body aches I get before my period. Like I feel heavy, sluggish and just not in the mood. It could also be the lack of sleep, I got to sleep 5hrs only, my cat is an early riser :-O. It could also be my full active day yesterday. Could it be the deviation I did? They say when you deviate even once, you set yourself back a week. It could be all of the above. But man oh man, I am so cranky. I snap at everyone who shows me the least bit of irritating behavior. Uff! Im nasty today. Our office boy got the most of it, but honestly he was asking me stupid questions. I tried to restrain myself but was only partially successful.
I also felt thristy with dry mouth the whole day, despite drinking enough water. :?
I prepared my breakfast yesterday evening so I can just take it and eat it in the office, but with heavy traffic, I was able to eat by 9:30 only and at my desk. Not so ideal.
It is Women's Day today. A sweet colleague of ours bought cakes, swees, sweet puffs, german cold cuts, cheese and bread - all in honor of this day. Sweet as he is, I cant have any! Then again in the afternoon, its a birthday of my colleague, and he bought in cake as well. Whew temptation galore!
I didnt go to yoga today eventhough I wanted to. It feels like gravity is pulling my body down. There is some mild pain somewhere all over! which just made me want to go home and crash..
My previous foster cat got adopted 2 weeks ago! :) so now I picked up another foster cat from the vet. There are too many stray cats that needs to be homed in this place.. Im just glad there are people who are willing to give their time and money into trapping these cats, neutering them, getting them vet checked and finding foster homes to be provided with food and litter AND eventually will be adopted by families. I can only take 1 foster cat at a time as I have a cat of my own, which I hope (fingers crossed) will get along better than the last one. Just doing what I can do to help :)
Hopefully tomorrow I will have the same energy like yesterday..
Anyhow, the good thing is, when I wore my clothes today, it felt looser, specially my slacks. The waist fit just right without resistance and it is significantly looser in the hips and thighs area. Feels good not to be busting into seams :)
Today, I woke up feeling tired and that my body is in mild pain. The kind of body aches I get before my period. Like I feel heavy, sluggish and just not in the mood. It could also be the lack of sleep, I got to sleep 5hrs only, my cat is an early riser :-O. It could also be my full active day yesterday. Could it be the deviation I did? They say when you deviate even once, you set yourself back a week. It could be all of the above. But man oh man, I am so cranky. I snap at everyone who shows me the least bit of irritating behavior. Uff! Im nasty today. Our office boy got the most of it, but honestly he was asking me stupid questions. I tried to restrain myself but was only partially successful.
I also felt thristy with dry mouth the whole day, despite drinking enough water. :?
I prepared my breakfast yesterday evening so I can just take it and eat it in the office, but with heavy traffic, I was able to eat by 9:30 only and at my desk. Not so ideal.
It is Women's Day today. A sweet colleague of ours bought cakes, swees, sweet puffs, german cold cuts, cheese and bread - all in honor of this day. Sweet as he is, I cant have any! Then again in the afternoon, its a birthday of my colleague, and he bought in cake as well. Whew temptation galore!
I didnt go to yoga today eventhough I wanted to. It feels like gravity is pulling my body down. There is some mild pain somewhere all over! which just made me want to go home and crash..
My previous foster cat got adopted 2 weeks ago! :) so now I picked up another foster cat from the vet. There are too many stray cats that needs to be homed in this place.. Im just glad there are people who are willing to give their time and money into trapping these cats, neutering them, getting them vet checked and finding foster homes to be provided with food and litter AND eventually will be adopted by families. I can only take 1 foster cat at a time as I have a cat of my own, which I hope (fingers crossed) will get along better than the last one. Just doing what I can do to help :)
Hopefully tomorrow I will have the same energy like yesterday..
Friday, March 7, 2014
Day 7 & 8: Weekend
Day 7
Just home bumming around. I didnt do anything productive today. Feeling very lazy. First I had to wake up early to breakfast despite the 5hr sleep. Which is ok coz I slept again after 2 hrs. I decided to ditch the birthday party I was supposed to go to because I feel like I will succumb to food. I seriously miss the taste of junk food.
I should have kept myself busy. Normally, I would have ordered all the junk I can consume on a Friday....
I cleaned my house in the evening. Could have done it in the morning but I dont want to spend day time cleaning, since I didnt go out, I just watched the Oscars. Didnt go for yoga either. Its 1 wk before TOM, maybe thats why I was feeling anti social.
Day 8:
I weighed this morning, and after 7days I lost 3.2kgs! Awesome right?? I know this is most probably water weight, but still it is a loss in weight. I do feel lighter due to the clean eating. I hope this keeps on going and reach at least a 10kg loss by end of Marh..
I had quite a few things to accomplish today. Had to go to the bank at the city center, went back to the other side of town to renew my annual rent contract, then drove 50kms to meet a friend for a mani-pedi, shopped for groceries, weighed and cooked my next meals, went for yoga in the evening, and met friends afterwards headed out for a nice 5km(!) stroll. The weather was just so pleasant, we didnt notice the time.
So this day was jam packed and awesome! My day indoors yesterday was not so bad then, at least I was able to relax and do my chores. Today was a full day, ending at 1 am.
I found myself reaching for more DCs for the past 2 days in my attempt to curb my cravings.. PMSing I guess... I feel more and more tempted to reach for those chocos and chips... :/ whew.. i mean this is it.. this is the hurdle I was waiting for. I mentioned that I crossed my first few days with minor difficulty. By now I should be over those cravings, but Im not.
I did deviate today, but unitentionally. I had an extra cracker for dinner. I totally forgot that the chicken meal I prepared in advance, was 'crackered' in my attempt for breaded chicken breast. i only realized after I finished my meal.
If I werent on Cohen's, I would think, this is crazy, how can 1 cracker be such a no-no?? Eh..
I have failed so many times in losing weight and I told my mom this time that I am dieting. She didnt even bat an eyelash. I know she must be thinking "here she goes again".. I felt that she really doesnt believe that I can and will do this, eventhough I told her about my weightloss so far. Maybe I have kept disappointing her that she stopped believing. She didnt say anything negative, she just said "good, I really hope you keep it up this time" :/ Made me more determined to show her and the rest of them that I can succeed!
Day 6: Beef Day!
This girl gotta have meat! :))
I love beef! And im so glad my meat allowance is quite good. I am happy just eating this for the entire program :D, I know, I know, variety is also key to weight loss. But man! was I happy to have this for today. I had beef for lunch and chicken for dinner and brekky was egg and veggie.. I liked my dishes for today.. Happy tummy ^_^
I went for yoga again today. Im so glad that I can still keep up with some form of exercise while on CD. After dinner, I went to the movies with a friend today at around 11:30pm, I dont think I should be out yet. Im not strong enough. As we were heading towards the cinemas, I just longed so much for the smell o food coming from those restaurants, and those ar my favorite restos. Inside the cnema, the smell of popcorn and nachos intoxicated me. I had to muster all the self control I have and just sipped my diet cola... :((((
I got to sleep around 3am.. hmmm Im not gonna get the 8hr sleep.
Other than that, nothing much to report today. Im still deviation free. \m/
Tomorrow is the weekend.. Lets see how I will do...
I love beef! And im so glad my meat allowance is quite good. I am happy just eating this for the entire program :D, I know, I know, variety is also key to weight loss. But man! was I happy to have this for today. I had beef for lunch and chicken for dinner and brekky was egg and veggie.. I liked my dishes for today.. Happy tummy ^_^
I went for yoga again today. Im so glad that I can still keep up with some form of exercise while on CD. After dinner, I went to the movies with a friend today at around 11:30pm, I dont think I should be out yet. Im not strong enough. As we were heading towards the cinemas, I just longed so much for the smell o food coming from those restaurants, and those ar my favorite restos. Inside the cnema, the smell of popcorn and nachos intoxicated me. I had to muster all the self control I have and just sipped my diet cola... :((((
I got to sleep around 3am.. hmmm Im not gonna get the 8hr sleep.
Other than that, nothing much to report today. Im still deviation free. \m/
Tomorrow is the weekend.. Lets see how I will do...
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Day 4 & 5: Sick & Soda
Im feeling a bit under the weather today. I have colds/stuffed nose and my throat hurts!
I woke up late so I got to eat my breakfast late, around 1.5hrs after waking up. My nose is so stuffed its difficult to swallow without my nose making a noise! yes thats right!, my nose is making a noise!! :D funny and irritating at the same time. So I kept having warm green tea, pressing the warm mug on my face to ease the congestion.
However, I stuck to my eating plan and did not deviate one bit. I couldnt believe that I have gone 4days without deviating. Actually, I expected this to more than tough. But Im glad I went past through it with medium difficulty. Maybe I had planned my day well to avoid having temptation get to me. Like I havent gone out with friends yet, or maybe coz the weekend has not arrived yet. I do have a birthday party to go to on Saturday and I was thinking of not going. I reckon Im not that strong enough yet.
The office doesnt help either. Today, there was a big meeting and just outside the meeting room were heaps and heaps of chocolate chip cookies, muffins, croissants and other sweet breads. Nyahhhhhh!!! I looked at those cookies so longingly.. and walked on by..
The office doesnt help either. Today, there was a big meeting and just outside the meeting room were heaps and heaps of chocolate chip cookies, muffins, croissants and other sweet breads. Nyahhhhhh!!! I looked at those cookies so longingly.. and walked on by..
I think I need to experiment with different recipes on my next batch of cooking. Im getting bored with just the salty and peppery taste. The easiest is to add curry or hot spices, but eh, Im not allowed to have any spicy stuff. How cruel right???? I can do the cooking with sprite thing. :/ I wonder why am I not allowed to have anything spicy? hmm I asked this from my consultant, and the reply I received was:
Having hot spices will slow your progress down and so we ask that you please avoid them for now.I know, but why?!
Best to just obey right? Its for my own good eh? *pout*
Today is power yoga day. My nose is super stuffed and i have a mild fever! :/ I can still go, it is my rule that if my sickness does not involve fever and body pain, I would still go to the gym, even if its just a few minutes on the treadmill, or going to the sauna or just driving and getting inside the parking lot! then leaving afterwards. More often than not, after 20-30minutes walking on the mill, I end up wanting to do more, AND honestly, I do feel better afterwards. It could be the adrenalin rush, but it made me keep going.
Thats how I developed the habit of going to the gym. I didnt force myself to excercise well ALL the time. I just need to get my butt in there, and from there it became a part of my day. Once Im inside the gym, I just keep wanting to do more than what I intended to.. most of the time.
I decided not to go though :( Because I also learned my lesson 2 wks back, I was feeling the same but I forced myself to do pump and step and was able to finish and felt energized afterwards. But in the evening, I was knocked out, knocked out at home very sick for 3 full days! I cant afford that right now, so I just went home, ate my dinner at 8, and I fell asleep even before the 2hr mark. I was waiting for it, but I guess I was sick so I just dozed off. You know that situation when you are trying to keep your eyes open.. dozing off.. waking up.. dozing off.. waking up.. then finally snore your way into oblivion! :D
I decided not to go though :( Because I also learned my lesson 2 wks back, I was feeling the same but I forced myself to do pump and step and was able to finish and felt energized afterwards. But in the evening, I was knocked out, knocked out at home very sick for 3 full days! I cant afford that right now, so I just went home, ate my dinner at 8, and I fell asleep even before the 2hr mark. I was waiting for it, but I guess I was sick so I just dozed off. You know that situation when you are trying to keep your eyes open.. dozing off.. waking up.. dozing off.. waking up.. then finally snore your way into oblivion! :D
* Peace *
Day 5
I woke up today slightly better, my colds are a bit better.Im glad I took that rest yesterday evening and it was good I had my meals prepared in advance, I didnt feel like cooking nor eating at all!
I noticed that I wanted to drink Sprite Light yesterday and today, to which I did. I never was a soda drinker, ever! This is allowed in the CD, 3 cans a day in fact, but I still am skeptical about it. Ive always seen softdrinks as really bad, and if ever Im having one, I will have only 5 sips of it. Never really fancied it. I had one today as well, and I feel fat already.. Go figure..
Still deviation free today. But per my standards I have deviated. I took on the CD with a goal of cooking for myself, so for this entire phase, I vowed not to eat anything aside from what I cooked. This morning I had a yogurt and a fruit, as I couldnt really bring myself to get out of bed. I thought of bunking work but no, I still went.
Oh and its someones birthday too.. I swear, this office is abundant with temptation every single day!!
I went for hatha yoga today and i fell on my ass while doing the headstand.. :( i did the class ok but i can still feel like im not a 100%. Ive been sick on and off for 2wks and I blame it on the weather.. I will try to make it to powe yoga tomorrow morning. That is if i wake up
I made my 3days worth of meals, so I can concentrate on the weekend on updating my CV and actually applying for jobs! I have been putting this off for quite some time now. Procrastination.. uff!
Good night..
Day 5
I woke up today slightly better, my colds are a bit better.Im glad I took that rest yesterday evening and it was good I had my meals prepared in advance, I didnt feel like cooking nor eating at all!
I noticed that I wanted to drink Sprite Light yesterday and today, to which I did. I never was a soda drinker, ever! This is allowed in the CD, 3 cans a day in fact, but I still am skeptical about it. Ive always seen softdrinks as really bad, and if ever Im having one, I will have only 5 sips of it. Never really fancied it. I had one today as well, and I feel fat already.. Go figure..
Still deviation free today. But per my standards I have deviated. I took on the CD with a goal of cooking for myself, so for this entire phase, I vowed not to eat anything aside from what I cooked. This morning I had a yogurt and a fruit, as I couldnt really bring myself to get out of bed. I thought of bunking work but no, I still went.
Oh and its someones birthday too.. I swear, this office is abundant with temptation every single day!!
I went for hatha yoga today and i fell on my ass while doing the headstand.. :( i did the class ok but i can still feel like im not a 100%. Ive been sick on and off for 2wks and I blame it on the weather.. I will try to make it to powe yoga tomorrow morning. That is if i wake up
I made my 3days worth of meals, so I can concentrate on the weekend on updating my CV and actually applying for jobs! I have been putting this off for quite some time now. Procrastination.. uff!
Good night..
Monday, March 3, 2014
Day 3: No Thank You
That seems to be my phrase for the day.
"Hey, have some Milka chocolate" --- No, thank you. *smile*
"Really? Are you sure?" --- Yes, no thanks.. *smile*
"You want to taste my lunch?" --- No, thank you *smile*
"I have more thn enough veg fried rice, you want some on that chicken?" --- No, thank you. *chew, swallow, water*
Too many opportunities to deviate but I didnt! \m/
I am craving for tasty food though.. rice, chocolates, curry, pasta, pizza :-O
Im also having a serious allergy toda. The weather cant make up its mind wether winter is over or not, and she threw in some strong winds in there too and living in a sandbox of a country.. well lets say Im tired of my running nose.. phew. I took a seed sized anti histamine.. I couldnt take it anymore.
Sleeping early tonight. I cant afford to get sick.. :( Plus, its power yoga day tomorrow..
"Hey, have some Milka chocolate" --- No, thank you. *smile*
"Really? Are you sure?" --- Yes, no thanks.. *smile*
"You want to taste my lunch?" --- No, thank you *smile*
"I have more thn enough veg fried rice, you want some on that chicken?" --- No, thank you. *chew, swallow, water*
Too many opportunities to deviate but I didnt! \m/
I am craving for tasty food though.. rice, chocolates, curry, pasta, pizza :-O
Im also having a serious allergy toda. The weather cant make up its mind wether winter is over or not, and she threw in some strong winds in there too and living in a sandbox of a country.. well lets say Im tired of my running nose.. phew. I took a seed sized anti histamine.. I couldnt take it anymore.
Sleeping early tonight. I cant afford to get sick.. :( Plus, its power yoga day tomorrow..
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Day 2: Bring on the Hunger
I felt hungry almost instantly after each meal today. Previously, I have my first meal around 12noon (mostly biscuits and coffee) and I am fine. But today, after breakfast and upon reaching the office, I was already hungry. I waited after 2.5hrs fr my last meal before I had my crackers and coffee, but man, I was hungry! I kept myself busy so I can last til lunch at 2pm.
After lunch, I went down with my colleague for a break and after 30mins, I felt hungry. I cant be hungry so soon?? I think this is me craving for the taste of the food I used to eat. Anyhow, Im not giving in. I had my fruit allowance before 5pm.
I feel like my water intake requirement of 3liters is too less.. YES, less. By 6pm, Im sure I have reached the 3L mark. I feel like I have to cut down on my water intake. I checked this with my consultant today as Ive read that too much water can hinder
weight loss. How could it?! I think I average around 4 liters of water per day, excluding coffee.. hmmmm lets see what they will reply
weight loss. How could it?! I think I average around 4 liters of water per day, excluding coffee.. hmmmm lets see what they will reply
I did Hatha yoga today, I was on empty stomach, which is fine with me. Im a big advocate of fasted training. I must say Im ok, I didnt find it that strenous. Its more of deep stretchng which felt so good afterwards. I didn even sweat so much this time. Usually, after every workout, I end it with a 20min sauna session. I went to the sauna after yoga but I didnt sweat as much as I used to, which was vey annoying for me. Took a shower, changed and ate a fruit in the car and ate my last meal with a cracker by 9pm.
I am deviationn free today.. Yipeee! But, I received a reply this evening from the consultant that water is fine to a minimum of 2L per day and I should drink if Im thirsty AND sauna is not recommended.. ops.. :/
I am deviationn free today.. Yipeee! But, I received a reply this evening from the consultant that water is fine to a minimum of 2L per day and I should drink if Im thirsty AND sauna is not recommended.. ops.. :/
I am trying to correct my sleeping habits as well, so forced myself to bed by 11pm
Tomorrow is my official start date, hopefully tomorrow, I'll be much better with the hunger issue.
Good night :)
Day 1: Hectic
01 March 2014
Yo homies! :D Just felt like saying it. Day 1 was an almost success but could have gone better.
I was so lazy today that I had my breakfast at 10, and started to prepare 2 days worth of meals. It took me 2 hours to do this. My word! I got really tired of all the weighing, washing, cutting, cooking and packing and when I was done, I ended up with a big pile of dishes to wash! uff.. This is what had kept me from healthy eating, it is a TASK! A bitter pill to swallow..
I know Im ranting and being such a big baby about it (hence the pic with copyright kept :p) but I just have to keep doing this until it becomes easy and a part of me.
We went to see the Air Race yesterday and I did have a good time.It was awesome! I was out in the sun with the girls watching aircrafts do twist and turns, beating time. I didnt expect it to be as fun as it was to be honest, but yah, I wouldnt mind going again next time. I had to go for a long drive with friends but I managed. I did deviate though and it comes with a funny story :D as we were watching and my friend started passing out mints. Too engrossed in
the airshow, i took
one and popped it in my mouth. As soon as i tasted the minty sweet flavor, by
reflex I spit it out hard and the mint hit the guys head in front of me. To
avoid confrontation i pretented to have choked on it so I was coughing
continuously. So instead of bei g angry, the guy was like "are u ok? U have
water?" And i was coughing away to glory while trying to squeeze in an
freakin funny my friends were just staring at me confused at what just happened :D
I noticed that I got hungry within 3 hourse after my meal, so I ate my crackers or fruit within my allowance. But I didnt even finish my cracker and fruit allowance for the day. I guess I was busy enough to feel the hunger.
Water consumption - 3Liters, and this is me holding back! Because I think in a day, I can drink more than 3 liters easily.
When I reached home, I did prepare my meals for the other 2 days and kept it in the fridge, so now I have food for the next 4 days.. :/
Day 1: khalas! :))
Yo homies! :D Just felt like saying it. Day 1 was an almost success but could have gone better.
I was so lazy today that I had my breakfast at 10, and started to prepare 2 days worth of meals. It took me 2 hours to do this. My word! I got really tired of all the weighing, washing, cutting, cooking and packing and when I was done, I ended up with a big pile of dishes to wash! uff.. This is what had kept me from healthy eating, it is a TASK! A bitter pill to swallow..
I know Im ranting and being such a big baby about it (hence the pic with copyright kept :p) but I just have to keep doing this until it becomes easy and a part of me.

I noticed that I got hungry within 3 hourse after my meal, so I ate my crackers or fruit within my allowance. But I didnt even finish my cracker and fruit allowance for the day. I guess I was busy enough to feel the hunger.
Water consumption - 3Liters, and this is me holding back! Because I think in a day, I can drink more than 3 liters easily.
When I reached home, I did prepare my meals for the other 2 days and kept it in the fridge, so now I have food for the next 4 days.. :/
Day 1: khalas! :))
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Day 0: Body Stats and Preppin'
Body Statistics 28 Feb 2014
This report shows me that as of today, I weigh 76.9kgs an that I need to lose 10.4kg of fat. The CD recommends a 20kg weight loss in order to reach my ideal weight. Now where can that other 10kg weight loss come from? My ass? My girlies?! (Oh no!!).
The segmental fat results show that majority of my fat is located in my midsection :/ My BMI is 2.2 over than the maximum allowed for my height. :/
My muscle mass is in a healthy range, .4kg over than the maximum . I suppose I will lose some weight here too, although according to CD online consultant, they dont expect my weight to come from muscle mass loss. :? How is that possible? Not that Im bothered so much, beuse Ive found out that I develop muscle faster than other females.
Water, protein and mineral are at very good levels.
Pre Cohen Prep
I have selected the meal options and searched for recipes to make. I had a tough time with this one. I have gathered all my supplies needed for this program:
This report shows me that as of today, I weigh 76.9kgs an that I need to lose 10.4kg of fat. The CD recommends a 20kg weight loss in order to reach my ideal weight. Now where can that other 10kg weight loss come from? My ass? My girlies?! (Oh no!!).
The segmental fat results show that majority of my fat is located in my midsection :/ My BMI is 2.2 over than the maximum allowed for my height. :/
My muscle mass is in a healthy range, .4kg over than the maximum . I suppose I will lose some weight here too, although according to CD online consultant, they dont expect my weight to come from muscle mass loss. :? How is that possible? Not that Im bothered so much, beuse Ive found out that I develop muscle faster than other females.
Water, protein and mineral are at very good levels.
Pre Cohen Prep
I have selected the meal options and searched for recipes to make. I had a tough time with this one. I have gathered all my supplies needed for this program:
- digital food scale
- ziplocks
- food containers
- 3-day food supplies - chicken breast, tuna in brine, veggies, olive oil spray, fruits, crackers- protein portions already weighed and in the freezer
- 100 day supply of vitamins
My online page shows that my starting date is on the 3rd March, which surprised me because I knew I requested it to be on the 1st. In any case Im starting tomorrow anyhow. But here I am, still awake and watchigtv at 12:30 midnight.
Tomorrow will be more difficult for me because, its my 1st day on the CD and I will be out of the house travelling and then being out in the sun the whole afternoon and then driving back home. I actually have a full day tomorrow. I should be getting into bed now..
Here we go. Wish me luck!
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