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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 39: No Sweat

Yep. I think I got this now.. The Cohen diet part. Its all good here..I feel like I can go on with this eating habit as a part of my daily grind. I've gotten a hang of it already.. which is good..

Honestly, despite the smaller portions and no starch thing (rice or bread), I do not feel hungry. What I do feel is that I miss the taste of the bad foods, but I am not hungry. The program is really designed to keep you full until your next meal, placing an option for snacks in between.

And as I am 10kgs away from goal, the time with which it will take to reach.. well Im giving it a maximum of 2 months as my losses are realllllyyyy slllllooooowwww nowadays.. I've started to distract myself and at the same time to prepare myself by looking at what's ahead of me.

I've read a few of the maintainance diaries because I want to brace myself. I've read, seen and heard that people are having difficulties in maintaining and then getting back on plan to lose what was gained. The freedom and the options for bad food are too much to handle.

In earlier days in the program, the most pressing issues were:

a) to keep cooking Cohen friendly
b) say no to deviations
c) keep cooking and eating on plan

But what was looming at the back of my mind is how will I deal after refeed. I mean, HOW?

----> I know when I taste that chocolate, I would want to have the whole pack OR TWO :-O

----> Or when we order KFC, I would say I would eat a 1 pc chicken only, but what actually comes to mind is 2 pcs and a cup of rice.

----> How will I handle the daily temptations in the office?!?!

Whats so different now and the future? Why can I not do the same thing that I am doing now?

Well in the future, in maintenance land, I would be in my ideal weight, so the pressure to lose is not there. Its a comfortable place I reckon. Im sure I will be in such a happy place that it is easy to give in every now and then. Reward myself.

Comfortable could equal to Complacent.

It can all snowball from there.

I need to know what to do by that time. To start with:

First, I honestly think that 57kg is too skinny for me. I have determined my acceptable weight to be at 60-63kgs.

Second, my goal is to be lean. I will definitely need to eat more so I can train more. What do I mean by more? More healthy food (and more healthy food options in Zone), with a bit of outside food every now and then.

Third, I accept that I need to be very careful during the time when I am experimenting between food and exercise. I NEED to keep track of everything. Not overdo one thing that will compromise the other..

And I am giving myself 3 months after refeed to determine this, and fine tune it before the year ends.

I just need to read up, prepare and create the right mindset for maintainance with exercise. The rest will be handled there.

Im writting this now so I can remind myself from where I have started, where I have come from, and to keep me in check in the future.


All meals intact. Had a nectarine right after my beefy lunch, yummy and made me feel so full. Decided to back off balsamic vinegar for now. Vitamins taken. 1 DC today. In the evening, I went for power yoga (whew), collected my blood results, got to eat dinner at 9:45pm and I had half a mango.. delish!

I am not sweating at all though. When I workout, the maximum I get to is being misty.. Why?

Day 39, DV free.

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