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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 58: PANIC MODE!!!

Didnt wake up well today. Somehow, despite the busy day yesterday, I couldnt sleep.

I am going to be super busy for the next 2months, with so many hosted events coming up- Maifest, Staff Day, Annual Gala Dinner, Conference Trip, Trip to France, Trip back home.

How to survive all these, DV free?!?!? Its time for solutions listing:

Staff Day followed by Staff dinner: 03May

4D Movies --- skip the popcorn, stick with DC- easy
Group dinner --- this is sticky, this is the last staff dinner we will have (our GM moving, team breaking to other departments), how can I not eat with them? - difficult

Maifest 2014 -- We are the host

Launch event: 30Apr
- skip the beers(!!)  - easy
- but how to skip all that German goodness?! all the pork!!!! - a bit difficult but can be done

Our hosted nights: 08-10May
- skip the beers - easy
- skip everything!!! - a bit difficult but can be done

Bestie's Birthday party on the 10th May
- skip the beers - easy
- skip the cake... - a bit difficult as the cheesecake I'm having made for her is my favorite..
- skip everything!!! :'( :'( - best case scenario

Conference in May - pack food for 4days-can be done, minibar is a fridge

- skip the inflight food-- tricky  and possibly not good, because I fly at 1:20am, reach at 9:10am, conference starts at 10am, how can I last until lunch?? if pack my food, it will be on check-in luggage.
- eat packed lunch  -- tricky and most probably not possible as this is a networking event too :( i would look very odd..
- dinner: very tricky, all delegates will be taken out to dinner :(; a group dinner in a fine dining restaurant-- EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, how can I manage?


- skip everything (?) stick to DCs and coffee- tricky, but can be done, depends on the level of networking going on
- dinner with friends- possible only if my packed food is not yet spoiled

16May: Full day Wachau Valley Bike Tour  with Wine Tasting
- howwwww to skip all the good wine tasting?? -EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, how can I manage?
- eat packed food if its still good - hopefully still ok, if not????

-eat packed food if its still not ruined  - hopefully still ok, if not????
- skip in flight meal (6hr flight)  - can be done, I will just sleep it off.. stick to DCs
- dinner at home by 10:30 - easy

Annual Agent Awards June;  - easy but tricky; I am host/emcee for this, so I can skip the dinner as best case scenario OR I could be so hungry due to all the standing and talking that I will be ravenous and just eat,. This is def the last agent awards for our company..

France and Home Trip: I thought I would be on refeed by this time (June) if I am still on the plan, I am screwed..

I am seriously panicking, that I will fall off the plan..

I should take this one day at a time..


All meals & vitamins taken on time, 1DC, placed a tsp of turmeric on my chicken dish today which is something new.. Picked up my foster cat from the vet today..

Day 58, DV free.

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