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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 79: You Cant Handle The Truth!!

Woke up: same weight despite the choccie and cracker hogging last night.. :/

This has got to stop. Jeez.. I cant put this off any longer.. procrastination combined with no regard for delayed gratification is disastrous in the long run.. whew

Anyhoo, this has been running along inside my head.. This very phrase.. Every now and then, I do get the question: "What did you do to lose weight?" " What's the secret? Tell me! I really need to lose weight too." " How did you do it"

I usually give a generic reply:

" There's no secret. I just eat very clean- no starch, bread, rice, chocolates, processed food. I stick to lean proteins, and veggies.. 3 meals a day, with 2 healthy snacks (fruits) in between. I do yoga 2x a week too"

More often than not, people will lose their enthusiasm upon hearing this. As if they are expecting that I would give a name of a miracle drug, or another fad diet. I do not want to give the name Cohen diet, because the CD entails more than just that. But basically, thats the concept, which if they cannot handle now, well I dont expect them to handle it by then.

I hear:

"What?? no rice/bread/ <insert processed crap name>??"

"I cant do that! I cannot resist chocolates"

"Oh.. well good on you then."

I mean, seriously people.. what do you expect me to reply? I have learned at this point in my life that you cannot cheat this process. You can cheat yes, but it will punish you like nothing by making you gain it all back, and more OR it will lead to some serious health consequences that you would wish to have never done that fad diet or taken those pills in the first place..

There were only a few instances wherein I gave the name of the program, out of which 4 had enrolled, and 2 are over their 4wks and have had tremendous losses already.

I may be struggling now, but I did surrender to the program and what an amazing loss I've had in a short span of time. And, finally, after so many years, I really do believe that this process - healthy eating and healthy lifestyle is the way to a better being. There were problem areas that were solved immediately with this diet. For example, my arms, how I have been bothered by having huge arms, but now, they are skinnier than ever without exercise!! Im just speechless.

Went to the dentist today for the last part of my root canal. Im glad this thing is done.

All meals intact, had fruits, vitamins, and 1 DC. No crackers today! whoooo hooo!!

Day 79, DV free.

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