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Friday, June 7, 2019

33rd Day: Mangoes and Other Fruits

I've mentioned that i've cut out the fruits and the diet colas recently and observed that my losses were more than all the days that I had fruits. So 2 days ago (31st day) I ate 2 mangoes at different times in the afternoon. I observed that I did get hungry faster and I wasnt even planning on eating the 2nd mango, but 2.5hrs later, I did.

2 days later, the scale hasnt moved.

Maybe I shouldnt have had that 1st mango in 1 go.. maybe i should have eaten the 2nd one at all... maybe I should have taken my fruits earlier in the day... maybe stay away from mangoes at all!!!

I think, this has something to do with the sugar, I just cant explain it.

I have other fruits in the fridge that I will try from tomorrow (nectarines, oranges , apples). Im sick of apples though and it does make me hungry too.

Today was fine, still doing nothing at home but binge reading the forum, specifically on topics about refeed and maintenance. That site has a wealth of information that I cant believe I didnt make an effort to read before. Amazing.

Day 33: All meals, crackers and vit taken on time.  1 fruit. Deviation free. 

P.S.: I think I had the deviation dream last night but I cant remember it. All I remember was the feeling of  being out of control and spiralling with eating out-of-the- plan food.

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