So I had my 30day weigh in today and Im pretty happy (read results here).

Aside from the plan related improvements, I have learned to forgive my boyfriend for cooking all the mf meals he has been eating on his diet. I mean T-bone steaks, pork ribs and bangers, pork belly??? I mean, would you look at these 2 dishes?!? 👿
I reckon his diet is closer to Keto with Intermittent Fasting. He only eats once a day after his morning shift, so his body is in full fasted mode before he goes to work and eats just about time.
I'm getting used to just smelling his food and not really wanting to take his plate. Today he made pork belly cubed up with some veggies and mushroom. Not bad.
As for me, I have been sleeping more since the break started. It feels good to get the right amount of sleep. I'm in bed by 11pm and my body wakes up at around 5am, but I don't get up (I know I should) and try to sleep in more. I promise I will do that tomorrow.. hmmm..
I had cut out the fruits and diet cola's for 2 days now and I noticed my losses have been more than the days I have them. Is it because I cut out these 2 or was it because I am sleeping better? I do miss my oranges and mangoes. But, as I have been listening to Dr. Berg as well, every time we eat, we spike insulin, even if we have coffee or just have our fruits for snacks. Plus, as I have been reading a lot of entries in the NewYouForum, especially on exercise, I found out that our muscles need sugar when we exercise and since I eat the fruits without exercise, I have sugar floating around and not really being utilized. So maybe next time, I will have the fruit before I expect some movement (like running errands, driving to work/walking to office or when I go out for a walk), or just take it when I feel hungry/peckish.
I'm also being mindful of my water intake as well, I try to make it to 3 liters per day. I
My Omega 3 liquid supplement has run out so I got a new one. I didn't buy the one I was using coz it's bloody expensive! I have no doubt its good, but I need to economize. So bought another one from the same brand - Complete Omega (with Omega 3,6,9) that's twice the size. Let's see the effects.. if I'm not happy about it, will switch back to the Ultimate Omega.
Still on my break and relaxing. I'm thinking of going for a massage today or tomorrow.
Day 31: All meals, crackers and vits taken on time. Deviation free.

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