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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

3rd day: The Scale - A Friend or Foe??

The thing about this diet is that you have to measure every. single. thing. every. single. day. Even yourself. The center doesnt recommend weighing yourself daily, but it kinda does wonders to your persistence when you see yourself dropping off each gram daily. But when its stuck, well.. it kinda gets to you too.

I didnt weigh myself on day 1 but I do have an idea of my starting weight as I went to the clinic a few days before to get my prescription and they weighed me. I was at 89kgs! 😢 Seems like I went back to the same person I was in 2009 - really fat, in heavy debt and in a job with a take home pay similar to what I was earning in 2010. Anyway, this morning I was at 86.9 kgs. I would like to think that the 2 kgs lost in 2 days was because of being Cohen clean.

When I decided to do this 4 days ago, I dropped my food scale.. glass top shattered like candy. I tried weighing the contents of a bottle of water and coke and seems to be working alright. I think I should replace it, but dont want to spend unnecessarily. And as veteran Cohenite, we are very.. ahem.. "anal" about the food measurements. Not a single gram above or below, otherwise its a deviation! f

But honestly, what if you didnt know that the scale is off? And you are still losing weight? then does it really matter if the scale is of by 2-3 grams? I hear Cohenites in my head screaming "yes!!" 😄  I figured I will try this broken scale for about 7 days and see if my weight will drop every day like its supposed to. If not, maybe I need to buy a new one.

Anyway, I woke up a bit late but I managed to cook my breakfast and lunch. Got to eat my breakfast around 10, lunch was at 3. By 6 I was hungry! hmmm.. so here we go eh? I feel that its better that I eat breakfast at home otherwise I will be eating late like today.

The moment I felt the hunger, I thought of breaking down. I kept on thinking of how I see myself by March and how much weight I must have lost by then. Or of people in the office complimenting on my new clothes to which I will reply, "no, these are my old clothes." :D. I just kept myself daydreaming whilst I was driving home so I dont think of my hunger and it worked! I survived the hunger pang. 

Nothing really special today. I can feel the looming headache slightly.

BF: 1 egg,  veggies, 1 cracker, 1 Centrum

LU: chicken, veggies, 1 cracker, 1 Centrum

SN: Noon: 1 peach | afternoon: 1 coke light | night: 1 peach

DI: beef, veggies w balsamic, 1 cracker, 1 coke light
CAF: 1 cup, black
VIT: AM - Collagen 1, 3 +C, Hyaluronic, PM - Collagen 2

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