The logical person in me tells me that its just me, its my problem and that I am very weak with temptations, but the hopeful side of me thinks that maybe my plan is not working for me anymore.
Money spent.. new blood test + new plan.
I received my plan quickly from the online site, it came in just 2 days! The plan is totally different:
1) Cracker allowance is more
2) Fruit allowance is more
3) Target weight is 1kg lower (58kg iso 59kg)!-- I asked my consultant about this.. Wilma, and she said my old target was 2 years ago, and I was younger 2 years ago! :'( what a way to break a heart eh?
4) Got a fish option for meal 1, which I like because I can only eat eggs or yogurt so much that I really wanted another option.. Im not really a cheese person.
5) Meat and vegetable allocations are all different.
My start date is on Friday, 29 July 2016. Hopefully I can keep this up.
My starting weight: 77.7kg--> Im trying to bring this down to 77 or 76.something.
I will do the same measurements like the last time, although this time I don't have access to that In-line body fat measuring thing.
Will blog here then maybe after a week of being on the plan, I will brave to write on my diary in the forum and update my ticker too!
If I do this right and deviation free, Im hoping Im done with reefed by end of November.
Lets do this!!!
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