Today I had my last hurrah with strength and high intensity training. Attended Body Pump and Body Step for the last time this quarter. Said my ta-ta's and "will miss you's" to my gym class buddies, all hoping to see me succeed on my journey and all are looking forward to teasing me with my measley weights when I return.
I intended to freeze my gym membership for the durati5on of the Cohen Diet, but I still cant wrap my head around not going to the gym AT ALL.
This place got me started. Woke up my sleeping muscles. Made me realize that I still have that strength within me and that my stamina hasnt improved ever since I left the gym. This place is my escape to avoid a 1hr traffic on the way home from work (nice eh? :D).
Best of all, when I rejoined the gym for the nth time, I finally saw its purpose to me with an ending so enticing that it made me keep going. Now, I dont see this place as something that I HAVE to go in order to LOSE weight. Like a chore that I have to do but would be great if somebody else can do it for me.
No, this is THE GYM(NASIUM), a place for movement, strength training, body building, sweat, health, sports, dance, group work, flexibility, goals and human interaction. It made me long for a fit body (not a thin body). It made want to run, jump, lift, box and kick and it made me work to achieve it too. I cannot imagine my days without it now.
So for now, I will keep it open for and I will only attend yoga classes twice a week for starters or until I see how excercising will affect my diet behavior. Why yoga? I have been going to yoga classes for the past 3 days and I like it. It provides the pressure, but not so intense that I am dead sweaty and gasping for air. It made me feel a tiny bit sore but I havent been stretching enough for over a year so the wee bit of pain and resistance in each movement is totally expected :D
AND!!! yesterday, I was finally able to do a headstand!!! whoooohooo! even if it was against the wall.. I am sooo happehhh 8-). So i cant wait to see what else can I do and how much flexible I can become afterwards. Im giddy happy :)))
But if it will affect my discipline with CD, then I will really have to stop for a while.
*Namaste* :)
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