So for now I would like to try to focus on this, and once achieved and I feel the benefits of it, hopefully before the start of the 3rd month , I will start with another goal, incorporating both in my life- slowly building the fit body that I want to achieve.
no gym.. just walking.. nyaaahhhh.. this is too less.... :((( way too less...
plus I know at the end of it, I may have lost all the fat I needed to lose but I will have to start lifting from scratch again (a measly 2 kg per side of my barbell) so as not to shock my depleted muscles...
(fingers and toes crossed people!!)
How do I do this in the quickest possible time?
Cohen Diet.
Heps. I am welcome to all criticism and advise, but for now nothing can convince me not to do this otherwise. I just want to try it. I am expecting a lot of muscle loss, but I am no expert.. I just want to know how will this work for me. Or if it will work for me at all..
I have been wanting to try it since last year, but was too much of a chicken with the small portions, food preparations, cooking and the NO exercise condition. Ive seen a lot of amazing results, even after refeeding. But, what was lacking was any review, after the refeeding. I did read reviews after refeeding, that they maintained their weight as they have totally accepted the lifestyle change.
But what about those people like me? Who dont want to be skinny? Who wants to be lean, strong, flexible and within the healthy weight range? I do not wish to stay in the skinny fat zone...
Hence, the reduce to gain came to mind. A lot of work, but what to do eh? It has to be done.
I already paid for the online fee, and bloodwork and just waiting for my diet to come and to start..
First 2 months of healthy eating.. Dear Lord, please help me...
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