Here I go again, blogging.
I come here when I am about to try something new. Something new that I would like to keep track of. That something could be someone's something too :)
If you have been a reader of my Bangkok Pills blog, then it must have led you here and my underlying reasons as to why I started this blog. The prelude to all of this is because of this blog entry
You see, I've always been on the heavier side where I blame my genetics and my skewed definition of a balance diet as the main culprits. And I am fooling myself that discipline had nothing to do with it (duh). It also boiled down to not knowing what good nutrition was and how it affects my body. I grew up eating the way my parents, my friends and everyone around me did. It didnt made me grossly overweight, but it didnt make me thin either. I was on that chubby side. Maybe my portions were more, or my metabolism is a tad slower than the rest, or maybe I didnt move/play as much as everyone else. But all through my life I was chubby.
There were certain points in my life though where I have significantly reduced my weight but was never ever able to maintain it:
Can you do this for month? |
Cracker diet for 1 month
I ate nothing but this, maybe a taste of tuna occassionally and I lost 3inches on my waist in a month! But once I stopped everything I lost came back by the 3rd month; attemped several times in my 20's, results were never the same as that of the 1st time
The Zone diet by Dr. Barry Sears
The 30% - 40% - 30% ratio. I started this while I was still staying with my parents and i was the only one eating this way.
I did lose weight, and felt healthier with my normal medium active lifestyle but I fell out of this as I was not able to keep up with it as my folks dont eat the same food and found it too tedious and expensive for me then
Gym and Nutrition
Actually went to the gym and ate Zone healthy again. But when my University days got hectic, I stopped completely.
Master Cleanse by Stanley Borroughs
Made famous by the now Mrs. Carter, I did this for 13 days. The 1st 3 days was difficult but the rest were good. It did make me drop weight fast, visible results by 10 days. I felt skin was better, but I did this near to the Christmas season, so on the 14th day, I gave in to pizza and all that merry food, and the rest was history.. back to fat..
Bangkok Pills
One of the most famous and controversial weight loss fix in the 90s. I finally gave in to try these stuff as Ive read the dangerous side effects were already 'eliminated', which could be true as I never had those when I was taking these. It made me lose my appetite, lose weight fast without the exercise and the conscious diet. I went on and off with this, and my tolerance for the pills got higher and I decided not to take it anymore. I know these cant be good for me in the long run
Working out, Working out hard
This is my current fix and I have been doing this for about 1.5yrs already and couldnt imagine my life without exercise at all
It took me this time to realize and finally admit that although 1-5 were effective, all of those were quick-fixes, with no actual goal supporting it, but a simple "to lose weight".
Lose weight and then what?? -- didnt matter, and didnt bother to ask..
And for item 2 and 3, I did it because I know these are what are supposed to be done to "lose weight".. Both were the right actions (by the end of this journey I am aiming to live by the Zone), but an action without a strong underlying purpose is what? just that- without a foundation that is bound to crumble when the peak is reached. And its a tiresome process to keep that achieved goal without proper support that in end will collapse into nothingness.
Why did i even wanted to lose weight then? I dont know. Because I was fat. Was I really fat? Because everyone kept telling me then (before I hit number 6) that I was fine, fairly proportion for my size. But due to the skewed image of what's beautiful aka: thin, I did all these things, to "lose weight"
Ignorance is not totally blissful.
Upon reaching the action to take on number 6- working out, I had made this conscious decision to workout as I had reached an all time high of 100kgs. 220 f*cking pounds!!! my word.. I cant even begin to think how!?! And so far, after more than a year of working out, I am down to 75kgs and still working out and had successfully integrated it in my everyday life. I couldnt imagine my life without it.
However, I am at that point that I am working out too hard. Too hard for my own good. I was told that I am doing this to subconsciously compensate for my bad diet, which is partly true. I can fully attribute all that weightloss to working out as hard as I do. But my nutrition was not at par as my fitness level, so all in all, my fitness level is not at par to the time I have put in to develop it. I am still limited.
And I am fed up of it. I am fed up of being physically limited.
I really have to do something about my nutrition. I figured that if I focus on one thing I can really bring on the results that I wanted. There were several times that I tried to eat healthy whilst I was on this routine of working out regularly, but I always fell out. Who am I kidding? I am lazy to cook! Anything that has anything to do with cooking, well.. count me out! So how can I do this?? Too many excuses, but the strongest of them all was:
1) I didnt have the time, as I reach home almost everyday from the gym at 10pm, and on those days that I dont, I use that time to relax (tv time) or have an ounce of social life as I dont get that much time on gym days
2) I want to eat according to my taste- and whether that were chocolates, deeply fried chicken, tons of rice, at any time of any day, I would
These are fixable right? Solutions can be made with the right amount of sacrifice and time. BUT the approach is different for each person, and I plan to tackle it in my way that I deem possible. Solution:
1) Make time. From where I work and I live, it will take me until 8pm max to reach home daily without working out
2) Cook.. JUST.. DO .. IT!
Seems fairly easy right? I scoff..
These 2 scares the shit out of me, because I know I will fail. But I can always choose not to. As they say, it takes 21 days to develop a habit. I want to achieve this balance.
I have successfully learned that I love exercising and had limited my weightloss to just doing this.
Now I need to successfully learn to like cooking for myself, in order to take care of my nutrition needs
And finally, learn to join this 2 together for the balance that I want to achieve
1) Reduce
2) Rebuild
3) Achieve and Maintain
4 words, 3 phases, 3 plans..
Easy peezy.. I scoff..
It will take time, and it will take most of my willpower to achieve my goal, but I will.
My way.